You Are The Reason

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You are the reason
Why I stop being suicidal
Why I treasure my life
Why I want to live
Why I am thankful

You are the main reason
Why I am hopeful
Why I find ways to be happy
Why I am optimistic
Why I find it good to live

You are the good reason
Why my life has a meaning
Why it is worth to live
Why living is great
Why my days are special

You are the lovable reason
Why meeting you makes me want to live
Why knowing you helps me
Why having you inspire me
Why loving you gives me reasons

Valuable reason to live life with you
Valuable reason I have this second chance of life
Valuable reason that it will not go astray
Valuable reason to experience things with you
Valuable reason to spend my lifetime with you

You are the reason of my happiness
You are the reason of my will to live
You are the reason of my likable attitude
You are the reason of my positivity
You are the reason of my wonderful life now.

September 2, 2017

Poetically Expressed (2017-2018) - Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now