Things in the Heart

15 4 0

How are we?
How are things?
Things are bad
Things are rotten
Rotten day
Rotten feeling
Feeling blue
Feeling dizzy
Dizzy I can't bear
Dizzy mindless being
Being ruthless
Being extremely worthless
Worthless love
Worthless life
Life is hard
Life is unfair
Unfair play
Unfair treatment
Treatment so unjust
Treatment so cold
Cold room
Cold stare
Stare intently
Stare straight ahead
Ahead of them
Ahead of me
Me in a cruel world
Me in a disappearing crowd
Crowd is suffocating
Crowd is frightening
Frightening experience
Frightening day
Day so chaotic
Day so horrific
Horrific sound
Horrific novel
Novel represents life
Novel creates love
Love is not mine
Love I'm deprived
Deprived physically
Deprived emotionally
Emotionally beaten
Emotionally weak
Weak mind
Weak heart
Heart so fragile
Heart so broken

January 25, 2017

Poetically Expressed (2017-2018) - Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now