Chapter 8 Natalie Shows Marinette to the Guest Area?

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          Natalie comes inside the mansion.  She starts to clean up.  She does this twice a week.  As she works in the foyer area she hears the sobs.  She looks around to see who cries.  She sees Marinette under the stair case.  

       "Who are you?"  Natalie ask.

      " I am Marinette.  Please do not tell anyone I am here."  Marinette says.

     "Okay, I will not say a word about it. " Natalie says.

     "What should I do?"  Marinette ask.

    "You should not stay under the stairs.  Come on let me show you to the guest room!"  Natalie answers.

    "Uh, I do not know." Marinette says.  She picks up her bags though and comes out from her hiding spot.

    "It is alright.  I am sure Mrs. Agreste and Adrien will not mind."  Natalie says.

    "Well, in that case, okay."  Marinette responds.

     "Good, now follow me this way, Miss Marinette!"  Natalie tells her.  She goes upstairs with Marinette close behind her.  

     Once outside the door to the room, Marinette hesitates.  She wonders, if it is a good idea to go inside.  When Natalie opens the door, she sees a nice area with light green walls that have pink stripes across them.  She goes inside and sets her bags down.  She looks around more to see a nice bed, a dresser, a tv, a closet, a window, and a small bathroom.  The bathroom is rather nice too.  

    Natalie leaves and goes back downstairs.  She gets back to work.  As she dusts off a few things she wonders why Marinette is so sad.  It is not like the girl has ever been here before or anything.

    Marinette smiles a small smile.  She can not believe how generous Natalie is for a maid. The woman is so nice.  She is glad to be in the guest area.  It sure beats the dusty area she was in earlier that day.  She gets ready for bed. She realizes she forgot to pack any pajamas in her hurry to leave the apartment above the bakery.  She puts on a bikini, slips a t-shirt and shorts over it and climbs inside the bed.  Soon she drifts off to sleep!

   *Author's  Note:  Sorry, this chapter is so short, I will try to make the next chapter longer.

     to be continued in Chapter  9  Marinette's  Body Guard?

A Miraculous Mother's  Day Special by Summer ChengDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora