Chapter 4 Emilie Talks to Marinette?

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     Emilie goes upstairs after Marinette.  She enters her room. She sits down in the desk chair while Marinette sits down on the sofa.   She decides it must be awful for Marinette her.  Yet this is not what she came here about today.  She must focus on the real reason she came here.

     "Now, what was it you wish to speak to me about Mrs. Agreste?"  Marinette ask. She thinks, why did his mother come here anyway?

    "It is about my son!"  Emilie answers.

   "What about him?"  Marinette says.

   "Well, you see he was not always such a livid person."  Emilie states.

   "What?  Do you speak of the same Adrien in my class at college?  Surely you must have him mistaken from another person?  There is no way he has a heart!"  Marinette blurts out.

   "Goodness!  You see the thing is a few years ago, his father went missing!  Then as if this were not bad enough he blames himself.  I am not sure why, but he does.'" Emilie says.

" To make matters worse he use to date Kagami.  He even bought a ring to give her!  You see he had it in his head that he was to marry her!  He was so in love with her he was practically unable to see her for the horrible gal she really was anyway!  I could tell she was only after his money.  Why when some new boy, Luka came along with more money than all the Agreste's put together, she left him as if he were yesterday's news." Emilie explains.

 "  He was so torn up about it, he began to change.  This change was not so gradual either.  Why it was practically overnight!  The day after the break-up, he got his nose piercing, then a few days later, he got the tongue ring, belly ring and so on!  I am not sure when he bought the tattoos as he has so many now!   He dyed his hair black, and add green highlights to it months later! "  Emilie explains further.

     "Wow, I am deeply sorry, Mrs. Agreste,"  Marinette says.

    "Whatever for?  It is not your fault my son, refuses to share love with anyone after that other girl went and broke his heart!  It is not your fault, he rarely sleeps without a wild party before it!  It is not your fault anything is the way it is now!"  Emilie says.

     "I know, but you see I told him I did not want to be near him!"  Marinette remarks.

     "You did what now?"  Emilie responds.

    "You hear me!  I  spoke without a thought about his feelings.  I am truly sorry."  Marinette states.

    "Well, I find that to be great you feel this way, but it is Adrien you owe the apology too,"  Emilie says.

    "I suppose you are right,"  Marinette says.

     "Yes, I sure am!  For that matter, I am sorry, your father is so cruel to you and your mother.  I do hope he gets the help he needs soon."  Emilie states.

     "I do not know what you mean,"  Marinette says. 

        As soon as Mrs. Emilie Agreste leaves, Marinette goes into her bathroom.  She puts some makeup over the latest bruise on her left cheek, left arm, and right knee.  She knows her father does not mean it.   She believes he truly can not help it and is sorry.  This is what she tells herself anyway.  She reasons, it is no one else's business that he is the way he is and that is all there is to it.  

    Marinette finishes.  She thinks, there!  Good as new!  She also thinks, about what Adrien's mother told her. She decides next time I see him, I must apologize right away!

     The next day...

        Adrien stands outside the college doors sad. He recalls how things went the other day which was not so good.  He does not move. He does not even look her way when she sees him.

       "Adrien, look, I am sorry!"  Marinette says.

       "Whatever, I do not need your pity!"  Adrien says.  He walks away and enters the class.  He sits in his usual seat.  

      Marinette arrives to the class soon after him. She sits down in her usual seat.  The entire class can not concentrate on the lesson.  All she can think about is how she wishes she could take back the rotten things she said to him, to Adrien the other day!  Yet, there is not a way to do so, nor is anything more she can too. 

      Later After class, Adrien sees Marinette as she talks to Luka.  He scowls at him! He is not sure why, but he does not want her to speak to that other boy.  He runs off furious at both Luka and Marinette.  He thought the apology meant she was serious about being his friend.  Ugh!  He should know that she does not like him.  He goes to that parlor and has a second tattoo taken away.  This time it is the one that says, "Love Hurts along with rose and thorns from his back."  He goes home afterward, he walks to his room.  He takes the belly ring out.  He winces from the pain.  "Ouch, that hurt!"  He calls out. 

     Adrien calls someone on the phone.  "Yes, that is right the party is tonight at 8 pm and ends whenever I am ready for it too.  Now, can you come over or not?"  He says. 

    "Sure, I am happy to come over doll face!"  Marsha says.  

    "I will come too."  Joe Joe states.

     "Fine, the more the merrier!" Adrien remarks.  He slams the receiver down as he disconnects the call. 

     Meanwhile, Marinette looks for Adrien now that Luka has gone home.  She does not see him anywhere.  She goes home.  She thinks, well, I guess I will have to see if he will speak to me later.  She goes on home.

    However with the Agreste, Adrien and his mother...Emilie Agreste cooks some meatballs, rice, and lots of other food. She figures she might as well. She thinks, Adrien will have some gathering again.  She is sure of it.  She finishes the food a few hours later. 

   to be continued in Chapter  5  Party Fiasco?

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