Chapter 50: It continues

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To a safe home?
I look at Helen. I have my head on her breasts. She is alive. She is well.
"Everything will be fine," I say. She looks down, she is crying. "I am just happy you are okay," she whimpers. I touch her cheek, "I'm sorry. I should have told you everything about me. I-I just thought that it didn't matter."
"we can talk about this later," she says.
The car stops and Brad helps me walk out. We go underground and I see a woman with a skin brown dress with her long black hair loose. "Hello," she says, "come in."
"Yes," I say.
"this way," she starts walking. I see it's a tunnel yet it has rooms with dirt walls and no doors. I see, this were the werewolves hide.
We walk into an empty room and Brad settles me in a small bed. "You will be here for a while," Brad says.
"I just need to heal," I say, "I can take care of myself."
"No," Helen walks in, "you need to stay here."
"You too," Brad says to her, "all of you."
"Who?" I ask.
"Paris and the others are here too," Helen answers. "We can't risk for them to get kidnap by the hunters."
"Let me get you blood," Brad leaves the room. Helen sits next to me on the bed. I should have told her everything.
"You see, we all have a plan," Helen says, "Carter told you right?"
I nod, "Just my escape. He is officialy in our side?"
She nods, "Well, he might end it all."
"No," I say. "I need to, I need to talk to my brother."
"He hates you," Helen says, "I saw everything. He won't just want to talk Will, he wants to destroy you in every way he can."
"I know," I say.
Brad comes in with a hospital blood bag. "I sneaked into the hospital and got bags for all of you. Queen will only allow you to stay here if you only drink this blood."
"Queen?" I say. "I didn't recognize her."
"She has clothes now," Helen chuckles, "I guess that's why."
"Drink up, you need to heal fast," Helen says. I do as she says. She walks out with Brad to leave me rest.

"So what now?" North asks me.
"We will wait for Carter to call Ashley. She will then tell Jimmy and he will give me the signal," I say. "the signal means Carter will kill Liam."
"But how?" North asks, "he is a human."
"He's a hunter," Paris says, "he is not an ordinary human."
"For now we wait," I say. "We wait till Will is better and we get the next plan together."
They all nod and each leave to their room. I go to mine and sit on the ground. I can't believe this is happening.
I feel happy Will is okay and here with me but I feel betrayed by him. He still loves Rose. He used my mom and me to think about her again. Why would he tell me I'm his Rose? Why would he tell my mom that too?
He didn't want to cause all of this but he did. Will put my friends, family, and myself in danger. Now I need to clean this mess up.
"Helen?" Brad comes in. He sits in front of me indian style. "you okay?"
"Yeah," I nod. "Has the twins and Kate arrived?"
"Yes, I already settle them in their rooms. What about Tori and Amrit?" he asks.
"They say they will be with Pamela. They are taking care of my parents," I answer.
"Okay," he says, "can you tell me what is going on?"
I begin to cry. "Hold me." He hugs me tight in his arms and lets me cry.
We all have lunch together. I meet the other wolves in North's pack as well. We eat deer.
"I feel well that we can get together in peace," Queen says. She is in the front of the table. "We might not be brothers from blood, but we do share a common interest: family and friends."
"Amen," Jake says. "now let's eat."
We eat in peace. No one seems to be bothered by anyone, I crave this peace soon in my life for a good while. We finish eating and everyone breaks in groups to talk and such. I go to my room and call Jimmy.
"I need you," I say.
"I'm sorry, but it's not a good time," Jimmy says.
"Has Ashley said anything?" I ask.
"No, just that no one suspects where you guys are," Jimmy says.
"And how are my parents?"
"Still sleeping," Jimmy says.
I sigh, "Okay, well I will call you tomorrow. Bye."
I hang up and lay on my bed. "Helen," Will says. He is standing in the door way.
"Come in," I sit.
"We need to talk," he says.
"There's nothing to talk about," I say. "I know everything and why you did it."
He sits next to me and gets my hands into his. "I do love you."
"No, you love the idea of me," I say. "the only person who has your heart is Rose."
"No, she is gone, she has been gone for a long time," he says.
I get my hands back. "She has always been in your heart and that's where she will stay."
He kisses me but everything feels different now. I don't feel the same way anymore. I pull back, "Paris says you might imprinted on me. You might feel a special bond but it is not love. She said I am just a stupid teenage girl and she is right. I am still young if you take away the vampire side of me. I still don't know many things. Carter was my first love, and you were something I thought it was love, but it's not."
He frowns, "No, don't say that."
"I love you, I do, but I don't feel the same way towards you."
"Understandable," he whispers. "I will still make all of this better for you and everyone."
"I know," I say. "And you have all of us to help you." I place my hand on his shoulder. "Do you understand that?"
"Yeah," he looks at me, "thanks." I know he won't give up and I don't want him to, but part of me doesn't want him anymore. What's going on with me?

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