They watched Yamamoto to call someone, a former acquaintance or so and explained the situation, called in a favour, threatened the person at the other end before he turned to the unconscious Naoki and started to do something. That something made his brown eyes turn light blue with indigo hues and the mood of the room peaceful. The former yakuza assassin then dived into the patient's mind, all the while he waited for his contact to arrive.

Naoki stared at the person in front of him with unsure eyes, he was pretty sure that people weren't supposed to glow like that. Feeling wary, the boy walked closer towards the man. He blinked for couple times as his eyes started to make out features with the mix of darker blue and light blue, he knew this person.

"Mister Yamamoto?" he asked silently for verification. The man blinked before he nodded to prove the assumption to be correct. In the darkness there wasn't really much to sit on nor to lean on like Naoki preferred doing while awake. Therefore he merely sat down on the ground only now realising that he wasn't wearing what he usually was and his hands looked... Different.

They were slightly bigger than what he was used to, the fingers were longer and had purple orange nails with purple and blue decorations. They were also slim and somewhat lady like, but he had always known to take after his mother's side of the family by his appearance than his father's. And his mother's family, Sakurais, were known for their men passing as women with ease if they so desired. Heck one of the family legends stated that their family got its name from a samurai, who had dressed up in the clothes of a courtesan in order to fool his enemy. The legend had it that the samurai had completely drawn them in, enamoured them and then turned the enemy against itself as their soldiers tried to win his favour. He'd only claimed his name to be "Sakura" and from that he'd become known as Sakurai Masao, the first Sakurai to gift the family name forward.

Naoki patted himself through and through, noting how everything else was still somewhat same, his face was more mature, eyes narrower and features more defined, but the familiar mob of gravity defying hair was still there along with his sideburns that were ever so slightly curled. It wasn't ever stated why this was, but it was apparently inherited from his father's side of the family. Grandma Oda had had them too. But his clothes... Weren't there. Why was he wearing hakama along with the rest of the traditional clothes was beyond him, and when could only hope that the colours weren't clashing too much. Who would've thought that inside of his own... Mind? He'd be wearing a purple hakama of slightly darker shade, kimono shirt that was light orange and a white hitatare that had ice blue and orange flower patterns. Naoki allowed his dominant hand travel by the right sleeve, taking in its texture. How he hadn't noticed the change sooner was beyond him, but his uh.. Visitor seemed to be taken by surprise.

"Naoki?" the blue reflection of the elder Yamamoto said uncertainly into the abyss. Naoki looked at him, naturally tilting his head in question. Who else would be there besides him? "I didn't know that you were an active sky", the confusion could be nearly tasted in the air.

The teen wasn't sure what the man was talking about and he was pretty sure that the confusion was written all over his face as the man soon left a deep sigh and started to explain.
"In the early age of humanity, there were people who were of different race entirely, these people could produce something called flames by using pure willpower", Tsuyoshi said as he drew his hand in a line, drawing a synbol of fire in the air, "and that flame was pure white, like burning magnesium". Naoki nodded slowly, he wasn't entirely sure of how this was relevant to the way the man had had referred to him. But the story time was not quite over yet. "That flame was called Spectre flame. But over time, as the two human races mixed together, it broke into four sets of flames, each set representing one element", Tsuyoshi lifted four of his fingers up.

"These sets were named after the components of the element and the leading flame of them carry the name of the elements themselves; Sky, Earth, Sea and Fire", he put down one of the fingers only three of them now remaining, "Out of these four, only three are now left, as the Fire set died out for one reason or another, the sets for Earth and Sea are rare to come by as the Sky set currently is the one to be the easiest to find".

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