Chapter ten

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I went to the store to get something for pony. When I got there I saw Tim. I barely talk to Tim really. The only time I talked to him is when I hung outside with Dal at his place. I think he's mad at me for stealing his roommate but it wasn't my fault. I went back to points place and dropped off what he needed. I started walking home when a car pulled up to me. Socs.... Randy and flash. They both got out of the car.

"Why isn't it little old y/n, how's life without your big brother?" Randy asked.

I looked down, not.talking.

"What's his name again?"

"Oh that's right, Johnny" Randy added.

I was about to jump at him but someone stopped me by holding my hand. I turned and saw dally.

"Don't you fucking say his name, you dirty trashcan you call socs" I spat.

"Am I hearing this flash? Does our little lady over here have a mouth?" Randy asked.

Flash snickered.

"Oh shut the hell up flash" I said making him shut up

"I suggest y'all get out of here before we have a real problem" dally said.

"Whatever" Randy said getting back in the car with flash.

And with that. They sped off.

Dally pulled me home and we went inside.

"You can't walk the streets alone at night. Especially with them out there" dally said.

"I'm sor-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it man! They could have hurt you!" Dally yelled

"But they didn't?"

"They could have"

"So? Either way, I'm not"

Dally sighed.

"Whatever" he walked out of the room.

Brothers best friend Dallas winston X readerWhere stories live. Discover now