I sigh as I try to control my anger. "Nope... I'm not gonna deal with this now... See ya later everyone!" I said, walking off. "Where are you going Y/N?" I heard Kagome asks. "Away from those two..." I said, pointing at the two who's still fighting. "I need to find myself some fresh air before I beat the crap out of them" I said as I turn around to walk again.

"Come back before night time!" I heard her call out. I raise my hand and show her "👌" sign. I let out a sigh and put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, as I continue to walk.

I decide to stop and start working on making a guitar for myself. I start carving on a wood, sketching the shape of a guitar.

Since I'm a demon, it didn't take long for me to get it done. Even though it's tiring, the result is worth it. I decide to paint it to give it a personal touch.

I smile proudly to myself.

I can't believe I just manage to make a guitar all by myself

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I can't believe I just manage to make a guitar all by myself. When I was a kid... I use to help my parents make a guitar. So I pretty much know what to do to make one.

I get up and continue my walk, bringing the newly made guitar with me. I have attached a leather strap on it as well, so it's slung over my shoulder.

I keep walking in silent as I hum to myself. I come to a stop near a lake. I close my eyes and take the guitar of my back. I start to play a soft tune and eventually starts singing.

I keep singing without realising my voice is attracting a demon.

Sesshomaru P.O.V

Rin stops walking and turn to look at me. Her hands is cupping her ears. "Lord Sesshomaru... Did you hear that? Someone is singing... And it sounds so good!" She said. I just look at her.

"Can we check it? I wanna know who's singing, can I? Can I? Can I?" She said excitedly. I just nod my head which makes her squeal and turn to run towards the sound. I just walk silently after her.

After awhile, I come across a girl sitting by the lake. She's the one who's singing, while her hands is on that weird thing.

Rin stare at her in awe. "What is that thing she is playing, my Lord?" She said, looking up at me. "I don't know..." Was all I said. The girl eventually stops singing.

"Stop standing behind that bushes... If you're trying to be sneaky... You're bad at it..." She said, without turning around. I walk towards the clearing. "Hmm... You can sense me, huh? Interesting" I said. She sighs and get up. She turns around and looks at me.


I turn around to see a guy, a little girl and an imp. The guy have the perfect resemblance as Inuyasha.

"Say... Do you have any relation with Inuyasha by any chance?" I said. The imp points his staff at me and he looks angry. "Hey! How dare you say that, you imbecile! You should address him as Lord Sesshomaru" he said. I clap my hands in excitement. "How cute!!" I said, squealing.

"C-c-c-cute?" He stutter out, turning red on the cheeks. I walk towards him and pick him up. I hug him tightly. "H-hey! Let go!" He said as he squirms. "Aweeee" I said, as I continue to hug him.

The guy that looks like Inuyasha just stare at me in confusion. I put the imp down and look at him. "You haven't answer yet... Do you or do you not have any relation with Inuyasha... And what's your name? I'm Y/N L/N by the way..." I said, offering my hand for a hand shake. He just stare at my hand, then at me. "I'm...


*to be continued*

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