Any advice on how to move on? :')

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I got two point of views, to be safe:

If you are relying on God, or on a higher Being, whatever religion you have, just keep praying~ cry it out as you are in your own room because, sadly, you can't fast forward the pain you are experiencing right now..then hopefully, after that night of despair, you will notice unknowingly that you have the strength to face the world as you wake up for a new day. As you pray, you will realize in time, that you will be easily feeling the relief, the hope, the acceptance and the passion inside of you to continue your life and fulfill your dreams, for your great future that lies ahead of you~

If you don't rely on a higher being...i admit, moving on is a hard thing to do. It is hard to speed it up, and it is a pain that needs to be "sensationalized" because of the past mistakes that we had done, or that ex partner had done towards us. They told me that I should focus on myself, as i learn to grow and find happiness on my own, without relying on someone else. They say, that only you can complete yourself. They also said that, always keep in mind that there's someone out there that deserves you and will love you for whatever you are, because of being you. They also said that you don't have to compare your worth to others because you are unique, and you deserve the right people to love you. They also said that if you are moving on, you have to take time to rest, make yourself better for the arrival of the best person for you. They also said that, you should ACCEPT the fact that he/she isn't the one for you, no matter how hard it is.

Believe me, it is hard to accept. It's the most repeated advice I can ever get during those days, especially when i love to hold on to things that mean so much to me. For moving on, letting go of the past, forgiving yourself and choosing to see the bright side of the world as you start to be happy, can be a great start~ We can't let someone, who had just broken up with us, destroy us. We were able to survive this world by those times we haven't met them. So I'm sure, we can make our journey further as we step little by little towards the finish line of success~ But if you are really a believer, I can say, praying is the key to success in moving forward~ We can do this, fightiiingggg!!!

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