𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8 // 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖊𝖚𝖉.

Start bij het begin

"It's the least I could do to thank you for bailing my dumb arse out when I had sprain." Yujin giggled.

"Speaking of, did it heal thus far?" Yena asked, checking her foot by then.

"Owing to Yujin's first aid skills, it healed all right," Minju then gave a thumbs up, reassuring them both. "And in case any of you needs notes for the lectures you missed, my friends and I have some spare," She added, waving a small binder. "We'd be glad to lend them to you."

"You didn't have to, but thank you! That'll surely help me. Don't be troubled about Yujin-knowing this nerd, she probably learned our lesson in primary school." Yena teased, receiving a hearty laugh from Minju.

Just as the conversation was sparking up, the bell rang. "Well, it's my cue to leave. Gotta run, bye guys!"

As Minju left, a figure soon came rushing towards their direction. "Yena! Hey, Choi Yena!"

"Haeun?" Yena muffled, skimming the girl's face who's flagging her hands just outside their room.

"Got it right! Lee Haeun here. Anyway, Ms. Takeuchi wants to have a word with you."

"Huh? What, why?"

"I have no idea. Sorry, but I'm running late to my next class. She's waiting in her office. Bye!" Haeun reported, dashing through the lobby afterwards.

Upon hearing Haeun, Yena twitched vivaciously. Yujin noticed, and she knew right away Yena's ADHD is kicking in again.

"Hey buddy, what are you so anxious for?"

"I don't know... something just, doesn't feel right, you know?"

Yujin sighed. "Here we go again. She's just gonna praise how hardworking you are, okay? Now, go out there and make your way to her office. Everything's gonna be alright."

"You told me you can walk by yourself, right? I won't take long-"

"No, it's okay. Take your time! Go on, Yena. I'll be fine. I'm gonna wait for you in the gymnasium, PE class will start soon."


Yena sprinted to visit the computer laboratory-Ms. Takeuchi's office. She knocked on the door gently and opened it.

"Good morning, Miss. Haeun told me you have something to tell me?" Yena sought.

"Yes, Choi. Please have a seat."

"What is it about?"

Ms. Takeuchi freed a deep sigh. "I know how much you love the Gaming Club, and I really appreciate everything you have done to make this club better... but,"

There it goes. A surge of uneasiness gushing through her have been eventually let out.


"Lately, well, you've been losing... focus. Both of us know the competition are just weeks away. If you'll keep doing this, you're aware what's to happen, right?"

"Yes, of course. What are you... uh, trying to infer?"

"I'm sorry Yena, but I have to kick you out of the team."

One sentence. One sentence was all it takes to shatter Yena's heart to million pieces. She was so aghast to even react properly.

"Huh? Misaki isn't that strong yet... you wouldn't replace me!" Yena's voice started to soften. "...would you?"

"We... we found someone to take over your position. I know I mustn't say this... though she's actually better than you-"

"You can't do this to me... Miss, please, give me another chance! Please!" Yena cutted her off, begging on bended knee.

"We gave you a million chances, but out of that million, did you grabbed an opportunity and not let it go to waste? I apologize but this isn't just my decision, but the whole Club too. It's final, Yena. I'm really, really sorry. You are dismissed." Yena trudged her way out the office, her mind grew dimmed and troubled.

One simple sentence is on loop in her head for a while now. The voice inside gets louder and louder, making tears fall from her eyes. And there was nothing she can do to stop the voice nor her tears. She's... helpless, one could say.

She's better than you.
She's better than you.
She's better than you.
She's better than you.
She's better than you-

"But... but Yujin said that I'm the best, that no one could beat me...wait."

Right, it was Yujin's fault. All of this mess is for Yujin to blame.

'If I didn't join her last Saturday on that stupid olympics, I'll still have my position. I'll still be in the team.' Yena thought to herself, wrath pouring out of her.


"Yena! Yena, come here!"

Yujin bolted her way towards Yena. She noticed the grief-stricken look from her friend.

"What's... what's the matter?" Yujin asked, vexedly glancing at her. Yena locked eyes with the ground as she walked.

"I got kicked out of the Gaming Team. Now you tell me what's the matter." Yena brushed her off, responding in a monotone.

Grief was an understatement to what is Yujin feeling at that present moment. She was stunned to hear such news. She knows how devastated Yena is. Though not knowing the right words to spat out, Yujin made an attempt to comfort her.

"Don't be so sad, I know you're gonna earn your position back. It's just a game-"

"Just a game? It's just a game for you because you can do literally everything! You don't understand, do you?" Yena bluntly lashed out on the spur of the moment.

Due to the abrupt fuss, they caught their classmates' attention. Though, no one wanted to stop them.

"It's just a game for you because you're perfect, right?" Yena mocked, emphasizing the word 'perfect' sarcastically.

"Yena, what are you saying-"

"I'm telling the truth!" Yena barked, tears escaping her eyes.

Brows scrunching, she continued. "I'm always by your side whenever you need me. I never left you when everyone else did. I didn't muttered a word even if it hurts every damn time they compare me to you!" Yujin lowered her head.

"Yena... let's talk about this in priva-"

"Quit dilly-dallying, Yujin. Even if I clearly know you're the daughter my parents never had, I treated you as a sister, my partner in crime. But did you even value me the way I did? Did you even supported me with my passion for once? Do you know that you're the reason why I'm being like this?" Yena pulled her hair in frustration, looking like a complete mess with her uniform ruffled and daggy makeup.

"If only didn't I went to the ISAC with you, I'd still be with the club. I might still be having the moment of my life playing with my team. But thanks to you, everything is ruined!" Yena feebly sat on the floor, covering her face with her palms as she weeped and wailed.

Only did Yujin realize tears have fell from her eyes as she saw herself in the mirror close to her. The crowd, on the other hand, was utterly flabbergasted at Yena's sudden confession.

Yena nonchalantly hoisted herself up, throwing a piercing gaze at Yujin.

"I'm tired of this all. I am
not your sidekick, Yujin."

A Fairy's quest.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu