Black Butler: Claude prank call no.3

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Party status: Left: Nina because her mom caught her staying up with us. Join: none :P Time: 10:00p.m. thats it! ~nyan


Lauren: Who we call?

Cindy: I do agree, who should we call?

Me: Claude Faustus? *door bell rings*

Me: Oh gosh! I'll be right back.*heads upstairs*

Me:*opens front door* Haley! Elena! Ellie! *hugs three* Party status: Joined: Haley, Elena, and Ellie

Elena: Hey bestie, we found the your address, so yeah. *smiles*

Ellie: May we come in?

Me: Sure, but my parents, grandmother, and brother are sleeping. *leads them down*


Me: Hey everbody this is Ellie, Elena, and Haley

Ellie, Elena & Haley *unison*: Hi!

Everyone else: Hi, welcome!

Peeps on skype (Cindy, Lauren,and the rest online): Were doing prank calling our favorite anime characters.

Me: Claude Faustus is running through mah mind.

Everybody: *fangirls or disagrees* *agrees* Ok.

Me: Let's think of a dirty plan.

Everybody: *disscus plans*

Me: OK basically same as what we did with him but a little diffrent?

Rest: Yes!!! :D

Me: Ready?!

Rest: READY!!!!


Claude: This is the Trancy Manor how may I serve you?

Me: Are u in to anybody lately?

Claude: Ceil and kinda like-like Sebastian.

Me *blushes*: Who is this Sebastian?

Claude: He is Ceil's butler.

Me: Ok how you two feel about each other?

Claude: He doesn't like me that much, since I go after his master, even though I've got a master of my own.

Me: Ah, do you want him to like the way you do?

Claude: Probably, even though were both demons, but I still want him.

Me: Ok, would you go to this address so I could help you?

Claude: Well I can't turn down this offer.

Me: *BEEEEEEEEP* (Telling the house address)

Claude: Ok I'm going see you there! *hangs up*

Me:*everybody physically with me dresses up* Start the shower and I'm up! *heads upstairs in time*


Me: *opens door* Hello sir!

Claude: You can call me Claude miss. *pervy simile*

Me: *blushes* Come this way. *leads him down*


Me: *leads him to bathroom* Take your chothing off and head in here.

Claude: *takes coat and top off* How is this supposed to help?

Me: Trust me it worked for our first client. He was like you Claude, Sebastian Michaelis was alot like you.

Claude: O_O How do you know my crush's name?

Me: I just know, cuz I'm the teacher. HIT IT! *starts to play Paprazzi-Lady Gaga*

Claude: You sly, little girl. *rape face*

Me: *closes the door alone with him only* I like to be called big girl, boy. *winks* *strips to impress* *leads him into the shower* *whispers in his ear* I'm the she wolf in the closet.

(half an hour later BLACK WIDOW BABY XD)

*shower shuts off*

Everyone out in the basement living room: FINALLY!!!!!

*Me and Claude come out with black angel wings*

Rest: O_O O_O ()_()

Me & Claude (O///////O): Sup.

Me: Bye Claude, I'm know your'e not bound to fail!

Claude: I love you and forget Ceil, Sebastian and you click if you know what I mean! *leaves*


Me: He told me he also loves you all too! *YOU GUYS THE READERS* *and @ party*


Anime Prank Calls (inspired by OtakuFox43) YAOI SLUMBER PARTY!Where stories live. Discover now