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"Oi, Charlotte, come on!" John shouted as he knocked on Charlotte's door repeatedly. "Let's fuckin' go!" John had said Tommy called a meeting where he needed to tell everyone important information. Charlotte had been released from her room and her punishment for about a week, and she was laying low and trying to be on her best behavior so that Tommy would reconsider letting her participate in the family business.

"Coming!" Charlotte yelled back, combing her hair, trying to make it look less raggedy. 

"You don't need to look like a princess," John stated, opening her door. "Let's just go. Tommy has something important to tell us." Charlotte could burst with excitement from the fact that she was being included in family business. Tommy had an announcement for everyone, and he said that she could attend.

"It's my first business event, I want to look nice," Charlotte justified, which was met with John rolling his eyes. 

"No one cares what ya look like."

Charlotte grumbled and followed John out of her bedroom to downstairs where the illegal activities took place. Charlotte was usually allowed in there, but she was never allowed to touch anything, ask questions, or talk to anyone besides her brothers or Aunt Polly. Everyone, all of the Peaky Blinders were stood in the room crowded together. Charlotte stayed next to John, standing almost behind him. She was worried that Tommy would see her and change his mind about letting her stay in the room.

"Gentleman," Tommy started, "And...ladies." He gestured to Polly and Charlotte, smiling ever so slightly. "I have in my hand a legal betting license. Issued by the board of control." He paused. "The Shelby family has its first legal racetrack pitch." Tommy had a huge smile on his face, and the room erupted in cheers. 

Charlotte high-fived John and jumped up and down. Maybe now that there was a legal part of business, she thought, she might have a chance in being allowed to be involved. Her thoughts were interrupted by her brothers and Aunt Polly grouping her into a big hug. Tommy showed off the legal piece of paper as his brothers congratulated him. Charlotte wanted to ask so badly right then if she could be involved in the family business now. But in a manner unlike herself, she decided to hold back and wait until she could talk to Tommy just on her own. 


"Where is he?" Charlotte asked her older brother. "I want to speak with him."

Arthur just rolled his eyes, taking a sip of the whiskey he was drinking. "Don't know, but he's not here." He continued to drink, refilling his glass when it was empty.

"What are you doin' in his office anyway?" Charlotte narrowed her eyes at Arthur and crossed her arms.

"Better whiskey," he replied, shrugging. He stood up and placed the bottle exactly where it had been before he tampered with Tommy's belongings.

"Can you please be helpful and tell me where he is? I just need to know," Charlotte huffed as she followed Arthur out of Tommy's office into the main betting area. 

"Yeah like I'm gonna tell you where he is so you can go galavanting around town alone, Lottie? No fuckin' way." 

Charlotte turned on her heels and stalked off to find John, who she knew would tell her where Tommy was. 

"The Garrison, you dumbass," he replied when she questioned him. "Where else would he be?"

"I don't know, on business?" Charlotte sighed, "I don't know anything about anything, you know."

"Oi, I'll come with ya. Don't want you to walk alone." John grabbed his flat cap and popped it on his head before grabbing his sister's arm and walking down the street. Charlotte rolled her eyes as she laughed. John could always make her laugh, even with the smallest things. 

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