Charlie: why?

Nick: because big kids are stupid

Charlie: like you

Nick: Charlotte

Charlie: sorry Nicky

Nick: it's fine (kiss her forehead and move some hairs out of her face) feel better baby

Charlie: (nods head)

Nick: alright, why don't you guys go back outside and enjoy the rest of your recess and Charlie don't let anybody put you down alright

Charlie: alright

I hope off Nick's lap and almost went over to my friends, but before I did I walk back over to him and kiss him on the cheek. Then walk off with my friends.

After School.

Charlie POV

When Nick and I got home from school. I went to living room and grab the remote and almost turn on the TV but then Nick snatched the remote away from me and I said.

Charlie: what the h-

Nick: (stern voice) Charlotte

Charlie: (gulps) sorry... but what was that for?

Nick: homework first, then TV

Charlie: (pouts) yes sir

I got up from the couch, and went upstairs into my room. I walk over to my desk and took out my things and started on my homework.

Nick POV

Once Charlie went upstairs I started planning on what to do for tomorrow class. Then after I did that I started cooking dinner. While I was chopping up the vegetable, I saw Charlie come down the kitchen stairs and I said.

- Charlie, did you finish your homework?

Charlie: yep, do you need help with dinner?

-sure hun could you get me the tomatoes

She handed me the tomatoes from the fridge and said.

Charlie: can I do something that involves cooking like cutting?


Charlie: why not?

-because I don't want you to cut yourself it's very dangerous for little kids

Charlie: (pouts) but I'm not little

- to me you are, now go watch some TV

Charlie: fine... whose need to cook anyway

She walked out and I sigh to myself and continue cooking but than phone rang and I answer it.

- hello

Charlie POV

I was watching TV when all of a sudden the phone rang and I think Nick picked it up because the phone stopped ringing, so I got up and walk over to the kitchen door and peak a bit to find Nick not there.

He probably went to talk on the phone more privately. So I walk over to the cutting board and look both ways to make sure Nick wasn't here, and he wasn't and I started cutting but then all of a sudden I heard the back door open and somebody came in which made me jump and cut myself with the knife and it started to bleed. Then I heard somebody yelled my name.


I turn around to find a very angry Nick. I gulp and a tear fell down my eyes because I started to realize that my finger was hurting where the cut is. Nick notice and grab a wet rag and came over to me and press it down on my finger and said.

Charlotte May JonasМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя