Chapter 10: A Mother's Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

“Oh, no…Michael, you have to leave now!”

Hesitantly sitting Eli down on the floor, he kissed the top of his head and planted another kiss on Jessica’s lips before quickly turning to leave. “Okay, I love you both so much. I’ll see you soon.”

“Da-da! I go with you!” Eli called behind him. He turned around, the pain setting in from having to part yet again.

“I wish you could come with me, son. I really do.” He said sadly, giving him another loving kiss on the head. “Daddy loves you, Eli. Daddy loves you so much. I’ll see you soon, okay?” He tried to keep his eyes dry as he longed for his son to be with him, but knew what Shane would do to Jessica if Eli was taken to safety.

“Da-da, I go with you!”

“Daddy will see you really soon. I promise.”

As Bill moved in to guard Michael, he was quick to begin dragging him away, knowing the circumstances they were under.

“I love you!” Michael called, sadly heading away from his wide eyed son.

Jessica held Eli’s hand tight as she became blinded with tears. She felt her heart tear in half and somehow, Eli managed to wriggle out of her hold. His little legs sprang across the gravel as he followed his father, not accepting his leave.

“Elliot!” she screamed, running after him when she saw the bright headlights before them. Shane had pulled into the hotel parking lot and spotted her wandering child just as Michael slipped into the limo.

Eli ran until his body couldn’t take anymore and his tiny voice tore through the crisp air with a boldness the world had yet to hear.


Michael covered his mouth as the tears were heavy and blinding. The limo moved down the street and he watched in horror as Shane left his car, heading for Eli ages away in the distance. “Stop! Go back!”

“Michael, it’s dangerous. You don’t have the entire security team.”

“I don’t give a damn, Bill! Go back!” he yelled to the limo driver.

Jessica grabbed her son before Shane could even dare touch him.

“What the hell was that, Jessica? Why did that boy just say daddy? Why are you outside without permission?”

She was silent, holding Eli close as he sobbed on her chest.

“I asked you a question!”

“Leave her alone!” Nikki screamed.

“Take care of her.” Shane simply instructed to a dark-eyed man nearby.

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