Chapter 10: A Mother's Sacrifice

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************Author's note**********

Here's chapter 10! I hope you enjoy. I was thinking about posting chapter 11 later on today, but i'm not sure, lol.

Don't forget to vote and comment so I know if you want me to continue writing this story or to stop!Thank you for all your continuous support and for over 19,000 reads on Slave to the Rhythm! <3 <3 <3


The sudden knock on the door caused the girls to jump and Nikki ran to the window to inspect.

“Is that Michael?”

“What?” Jessica asked, jumping to her feet to join her at the window. “Oh, God…What the hell is he doing here?”

She ran to the door and sprang it open, barely having time to breathe before he pulled her into a deep kiss. When he pulled away, she belted out in panic.

“Michael, wha-You can’t…You can’t be here! Shane will be back any minute and he’ll go crazy! You have to-”

“Da-da?” called the tiny voice behind her. Michael’s eyes fixed on the ground as the little tyke came in between Jessica’s legs with curiosity.

“Elliot…” He gasped, reaching down and gathering his sweet son into his arms again after what seemed like forever apart.

“Oh, Elliot you’re growing up so fast! Daddy’s missed you! Look how big you are!”

“I know! Can you believe he’s almost three?” Nikki casually smiled, ignoring Jessica’s frantic eyes.

“I’m two!” Eli cheered, smiling brightly at his father as those Michael Jackson eyes gazed at him with a child’s love.

“I know! Oh, I love you so much!” he squealed, holding him tightly as Eli giggled with happiness.

“Da-da, too tight!” he laughed, squeaking with delight.

“Sorry…” he chuckled, holding his son out to look at him with a smile. “Geez, you’re so big! I bet you’re smart, too! He’s smart isn’t he, Jess? He seems really smart! God, I missed you so much, Elliot! You don’t know just how much daddy loves you! Jess, look at his hair! He has so much of it! He got that from both-”

“Michael!” she barked, cutting off his constant babbling.

Two pairs of silent brown eyes met her when the silence washed over.

“Did you not hear a word I said? You have to get out of here! Shane will be back any-”

The phone rang and Nikki sprinted to grab it. Everyone was quiet until she hung up the phone. “Shane’s just down the street.”

Someone in the Dark (Slave to the Rhythm: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now