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(Panic! is definitely one of my favorites, also Connor is Out of Character sorry also I know its Canon in the book that Connor's bi but for the sake of it he's just going to be gay) 

Connor Murphy (P.O.V) 
I have to come out to Larry and Cynthia, its like I'm carrying around a rock that I can't tell anyone about. I walk out of my house I need to talk a walk, and go to sit at the park. Evan should be here around this times. Evan the kid that has a blue polo shirt with stripes, the kid who broke his arm, the kid with anxiety. Evan the kid I fell so desperately in love with. I find it adorably the way he stutters when he talks, and how he pulls off the polo look, the geeky look fits him well. I get to the park and find the cherry blossom tree that I sit under. I get lost in my own head, How are Larry and Cynthia going to react when I come out? negatively, positively, its hard to tell. How will Zoe react I mean can she hate me more than she already does? My mind wonders to Evan, a happy thing to think about. I hear some one sit next to me, Evan and I don't hang out much he's one of the only people I can tolerate, maybe because he's cute though. "h-hi Connor" "Hi Evan" "h-how are you" "not to shabby how bout yourself" "ok I guess" "ok? don't sound to sure" "I'm f-fine by the w-way why are you at t-the park not to be m-mean I swear, I just c-curious" I smirk "I'm hiding Mr. Hansen, its one of my thinking/ hiding spot, all secret of course this is my third favorite" "w-what are the other places" His eye's dance with curiosity almost glowing with excitement.   "well it is a secret for a reason" "secret" he mumbles his face falls slightly, and his eyes darken, no I upset him uhh. "I'll show you one of my other places" I say fast, Evan slowly rises his head "r-really you don't have to" "I insist" I get up from beneath the tree and reach my hand out to help Evan up. Evan holds my hand and I help him get up back on his feet. "come on" I walk Evan in the direction of my house, turning into the forest on the way there, walking deeper into the forest "y-your not going to k-kill me are y-you" "no you're ok I'm not a murder" "ok" We walk until I reach my destination I stop, everything looking so familiar to me Evan looking around confused "the w-woods" "no Evan look up" I watch his eye's light up as his face turns into a smile. "a t-tree House" "yep" My tree house no one knows about well now Evan does but other than that just me. I found it when I was wondering a few years ago, I fixed it up added electricity, a door that locks so if anyone did find it they couldn't get in and stuff to sit on. Its repainted to fit in with the color of the trees. "hope you aren't afraid of heights Hansen" I walk over to the base of the tree and pull down the rope that holds the ladder "n-no I'm not" "ok well up we go" I climb up the ladder and pull out the keys, unlock the door and walked in. Evan's face drops he looks surprised I think. 

Evan Hansen's (P.O.V) 
Connor Murphy has a secret tree house, its amazing. So I walk into his tree house and it has a door that locks, four gray walls painted recently, a TV in the corner, gaming systems, games, movies, and posters on some of the walls, a mini fridge, bean bags, blankets, air mattress. This place is fully decked out. I'm so surprised Connor sits on the one bean bag, as I kinda stand and gawk at the tree house. "Evan Welcome to my home away from home" "did you b-build it" "no I actually found it, it was abandoned and old, I fixed it up added electricity to it, made it livable. The painting on the walls is newer, and the outside is too I painted to blend in, not that anyone could come in, as it locks and windows are thicker glass almost impossible to break." "y-you bought this stuff y-yourself" "yes and no, the game systems, games, bean bags and, movies no, the rest of it yes I got a job two summers ago and another one last summer, I'm working on adding heat, so I can hang here during winter, and maybe build a bathroom" "w-wow" Connor Murphy isn't as bad as everyone says he's better, nicer, kinder. I think he's kinda cute, adorable is the word. Mysterious and now I know he's mysterious, not even his family knows about this and I'm standing in one of the biggest secrets of his life. I walk over and sit next to him "so Evan what to do" "um I d-don't know" "lets play twenty questions" "ok" this is going to be miserable, I suck at things that have to do with myself, really I suck at everything "you want to go first or" "y-you can go" "so Evan what's your biggest secret" this is what I was scared about, my biggest secret its that I'm bi but does he care, how will he react "I'm um b-bisexual" I squeak out Connor smiles "what's your b-biggest secret than" he smiles "I'm gay Evan Hansen besides my hiding places its my sexuality that's my secret" "you're" "yes I am I've known for awhile" I smile I have a chance with him. "what's your biggest fear" loosing someone I care about or someone finding out how broken I am" I don't what I was saying but I felt that I could tell him anything, like I was somehow vulnerable sitting in his presence and for once I don't mind it. I feel like I can trust him. "what a-about you what y-your biggest fear" "mine is being forgotten, its stupid" "no its u-understandable" "is it" "yeah" "favorite pass time" "reading, or w-watching documentary's" "b-biggest accomplishment" "fixing this, becoming friends with you" Being my friend, my heart ached I want more than that. 

Random music inspired One shots because why notWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu