Hold On please

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(angst Be more chill style after the squipping, mentions of suicide, self harm) 

Jeremy Heere's (P.O.V) 
Michael hasn't been himself lately, at all. He's more guarded, like I've hurt him I mean how though that's my question. Is it because I had gotten the S.Q.U.I.P and have other friends, maybe its how I left him at the Halloween party. He lost the glint in his eye's when he sees me, now its more of a dim light barley shining. Almost like he can't stand the sight of me, I have to fix this. I broke up with Christine upon finding the feeling I have for Michael I was to stupid to realize faster. I look at the "squip squad" and state " look guys I know we have plans after school but I'm worried about him, so I'm gonna hang with him" rich was the first to answer "oh course Jeremy" Jake answered next "bro its whatever, I mean I understand completely" next Brooke and Chole "its fine" "thank god I thought you were going to be mad at me phew" some of them laughed, I giggled "ok but I gotta go" then I set off on finding my best friend. I saw Michael at our usual lunch spot the we used to sit in all the time. "Michael want to hang out today, we can go to the arcade" "no thank you I have plans" his eye's are darker, he's lying "oh ok" I have a perfect plan I walk back to the squip squad. "he said no but I can tells he's lying, he's upset clearly" I exclaimed to the group "Jeremy its fine, he'll be ok" "no way I now he won't" "I mean" "Jake how did you feel when you found out Rich was trapped in the fire" "horrible since I figured out it was a suicide attempt" "exactly I have a plan I have a house key for his place, I'll sneak in and see what he's doing to insure he doesn't hurt himself, if he try's I stop him" "idk Jeremy its risky" Jake provides "it'll work Jake I know it" 

Michael Mell's (P.O.V.) 
"Michael want to hang out today, we can go to the arcade" "no thank you  I have plans" I look at him, hoping he can't sense what im planning to do. I watch him walk away looking defeated. I feel bad I should've let him take me out, but he could never love me back. I sniff about to cry. No I push down the tears not now. After my last two classes, I go home to follow my plan. I get in my Pt cruiser, and go to my house I have 4 hours before my parents come home plenty of time. I walk to the bathroom close and lock the door. I thought I hear the front door open for a minute must be me. I grab my razor and push it into my skin on my arm wincing but I keep going. "MICHAEL" "MICHAEL OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" some one's ponding on the door  it sounds like Jeremy I get dizzy, I'm losing to much blood. I fall to my knees before hitting the ground. I hear the door open, some one calling my name, the 911 call. Before it goes black and I can't hear anything else. 

Jeremy Heere's (P.O.V) 
I hear the Bathroom door close and lock, no. I run to the bathroom "MICHAEL" "MICHAEL OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" I pound on the door, I run into the door before it breaks open, I hear a thud. "MICHAEL STAY WITH ME" I grab my phone and Shakely call 911 "hello I am your operator hoW may I help you" "My best friend Michael cut himself and is losing a lot of blood can you send an ambulance please" "of course, can I have an address" "insert random street name" "ok Now that they're on there way can you apply pressure to the area that bleeding" "of course" I grab a towel applying as much pressure i can "now sir where are you and your friend Michel" "In his bathroom i can carry him outside though" 
"Ok do you want me to stay on the phone while you wait for the ambulance to come" "P-PlEase" my voice breaks I gently pick Michael up and carry him outside "are you still applying pressure" "yes I am" I see the ambulance lights coming " ok you can go now thank you operator, for staying on the phone I see the ambulance" "your welcome I hope your friends ok" "me too I love him" I hang up and the medics rush to Michael and I, they take him and put him on a gurney. "hi can I r-ride in the a-ambulance w-with you" "Sure as long as u can answer a few questions for us" "ok" "what's the young gentleman's name, how old is he, and has he tried this before" "Michael Mell, He's 16, and yes but not as severe as this" "ok" I walk with them and hop into the ambulance "whats your name young man" "oh mine its J-Jeremy, M-Michaels my best f-friend, and I k-kind of have a c-crush on him, and I won't b-be able to t-tell him now" I start to cry a little, the one medic looks at me sympathetically "there might be a chance we can save him" I nod "may I hold h-his hand" "yeah" I reach out and grab Michaels hand, as they stick him with needles, and give him meds. Once we reach the hospital, they take you away on the table, and i pace before I make 7 phone calls first Michaels parents " hi Jeremy how are you" "I'm o-ok but M-Michael isn't he's at the h-hospital he tried to commit s-suicide" I hear a gasp "is he ok" "I don't know" "ok Jeremy, thank you will be there soon" "ok" they hang up, next I send a message to the squip squad Group chat, I can't talk anymore  if i do I'll start sobbing. 

Jeremey: hey guess I'm at the hospital, Michael's in not me he tried to kill himself 
Jake: are you ok 
Rich: what hospital
Brooke: OMG
Chole: I hope he's ok 
Jeremy: this one *send location* and me too I didn't even tell him I love him yet
Rich: ok Jake and I are on our way
Jeremy: ok 
I put my phone down and pull my knee's to my chest finally I breaks and starts sobbing. I hear someone sit next to me and rubs my back. Its Michaels Mom's and Rich and Jake are there too. "I'm sorry its all my fault" I sob out "its not your fault Jeremy" "no it is I can't even tell him i love him now" I start to sob harder "I love him" "we know Jeremy" Michael's mom's say at the same time, Jake and Rich pull me into a hug, even though I'm sobbing. After a while a doctor calls Jeremy Heere, for Michael Mell" I look at Michaels mom's they nod "right here sir" i walk over "is he o-ok, please t-tell me he's not dead" "Jeremy calm down, he's asleep right now, he lost a lot of blood. he's in and out of Acoma" "c-can I see him" "yeah" "what room" "324" "ok"  i walk over to Jake and Rich not noticing I'm crying again Michaels Moms meet me with a hug "he's gone isn't he Jeremy" "No He's ok, He's alive" "we allowed to visit room 324" "you go first" everyone agrees to let me go "ok" I walk down the hall to room 324, once I get there I see him Bandages up in the hospital bed. I pull a chair next to his bed and hold his hand as i start to cry again "I'm s-sorry Micha I wasn't t-there for you, I left w-when you n-needed me most. I wasn't there, I l-love you I should've r-realized this earlier I'm sorry I was g-going to tell you t-today, I was g-going to take you to the a-arcade but you said no, I knew something was w-wrong" I lay my head by his hand and sob "I'm sorry M-Micha I love you"

Michael's (P.O.V)
After I fall to the floor its nothing but darkness, I feel my body being moved. I hear sirens, I hear Jeremy? I hear a faint voice explaining what happened. I think I'm being taken to a hospital the place I least want to be. After that I'm falling back into a black abyss, there's nothing there its just black. I hear a deep voice talking and a door open and close. Then it opens and closes again, someone shuffles in, they sit by my bed and hold my hand. That feels nice, they're crying i hear the voice completely they start talking to me "I'm s-sorry Micha I wasn't t-there for you, I left w-when you n-needed me most. I wasn't there, I l-love you I should've r-realized this earlier I'm sorry I was g-going to tell you t-today, I was g-going to take you to the a-arcade but you said no, I knew something was w-wrong" its Jeremy why is he here? "I'm sorry M-Micha I love you" he lays his head on my bed and he's sobbing, I need to get up. I try opening my eyes but its too bright, can I move my arm? No, my hand I twitch my fingers. I manage to open my eye's without the light hurting me, Jeremey's face meets mine, his eyes are red and puffy, his breathing is uneven, I smile at him. " I love you too Jere" "OmG you're ok that god I was so worried are you ok" I want to cuddle him badly "I'm ok come here lay next to me" 

Jeremy's (P.O.V)  
I almost fall asleep when Michaels hand twitches. I look at him, he's smiling "i love you too Jere" "oMg you're ok thank god I was so worried are you ok" "I'm ok come here, lay next to me" "but Micha" "no please Jere" "ok" I slowly climb onto Micha's bed kicking my shoes off laying next to him. "I love you Micha, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most- I get cut of by a soft pair of lips, I smile a little. Me and Michael break apart for air " I love you too Jere" Next thing I know Michael parent's walk in his mom's face's dripping in worry. "Michael why" "not this issue now please I don't want to explain" "ok honey" Rich and Jake peak their heads in "hey Jeremy, Michael how you doing" "I'm ok now" Michael whispers in my ear "I'm tired can we take a nap" "of course love" I kiss is forehead and we drift off into a peaceful sleep 

(so um yeah that happened I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written at 1822 words but it came out ok I guess.)

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