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Once upon a time, on a house, on a tiny hill, lived the crypton family of vocaloids. They're house was not very large or extravagant. It was only a two story building made entirely of thick glass. Yeah. Totally not extravagant at all, right?

Living in this house were six... Unique... Individuals.

The one most people know by name, was Hatsune Miku. The ditzy, all-around fun girl who has quite the unhealthy obsession with leeks. She's sixteen with long, brightly colored pigtails and a teal blue tie that she proudly sports on a daily basis, even when not in Vocaloid attire. She's loud and boisterous, but the other Vocaloids love her for it. She's always the one to brighten up the atmosphere.

Next in the pecking order are Rin and Len Kagamine. The twins who are thought to have matching everything. But besides their love for the colors yellow and black, they couldn't be more different.

Rin is the little sister. Even though they're twins. She's just the little sister. with many of her own quirks. She's always whining about something. She often annoys Len and is always "being obnoxious" (in Len's terms.) She spends her days surfing the net for god knows what. Even though she wouldn't like to admit it, she often needs lots of help from Len, and even though she absolutely hates to admit this, she's happy to have Len as a brother.

Len just loves to annoy the crap out of Rin, in any way he can. The kid is full of energy, always speeding around the Crypton house, looking for means of entertainment. He's easily bored. You'll most likely find him raiding the closet, digging holes ("Kaito won't drive me to the 7/11 so guess I'll have to dig there!") or otherwise causing mischief. Deep down, though, he's pretty quiet. When talking to people he doesn't really know, he's quiet and timid. Rin often makes fun of him for it.

The twins are almost always working in cahoots to play the weirdest and most creative of pranks on the rest of the house. If something strange ever happens to you in the Crypton abode, listen closely and you'll likely hear Rin and Len quietly giggling and snickering at your trouble (that they most likely caused you!).

Next up are the "adults" of the home. Think you're done with reading about strange people? Think again. They're even quirkier.

Kaito. Seventeen. Short blue hair, long blue scarf. He's a gentle giant, his deep blue eyes always soft and kind. He's the kind to stop in the street to help stray animals, to feed the homeless, to want to help whenever he can. He also makes the stupidest jokes in the entire house, and people can't help but laugh at how corny they are. Kaito is usually the one to do most of the house work, and is almost a parental figure, despite being hardly any older than the rest of them.

Meiko is considered the "Vocaloid Queen". She is the one who does all the scheduling and appearances for the rest of the household. Though, she isn't boisterous about it and wouldn't force anyone to do anything they wouldn't be comfortable with. She's a tomboyish, free spirited 21 year old. She's the oldest in the house, and should be more of a parental figure, but no one could possibly see their 'pal Meiko as a strict parental figure. She'll let anyone do whatever they want to, and is a fun person to be around. Even though she isn't that popular, she doesn't mind.

And last but definitely not least, there's Luka. She's a very quiet, mysterious person, but for some reason, she's able to open up sometimes and laugh along with the other cryptonloids. She's only one year younger than Meiko, but she's more of an authority. Once Luka tells you to stop doing something, you'd better stop. It's all fun and games until she walks into the room. She's the only one who could make Rin and Len calm their antics, also. Luka loves to cook and is often the one to cook for the Vocaloids, but she makes tons of tuna, causing the Vocaloids to have to order take out.

We welcome you to the Crypton household, and we hope you enjoy your stay~!

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