monday madness.

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"You are not getting that Kellin" I woke up hearing my mother yell. "Alright that's another mark." I heard Kellin then say. I ran into the kitchen to see why all the yelling was going on to then see Kellin pull a switch blade from his pocket,roll up his sleeve and then pierce his skin in a short line. " stop it Kellin your going to kill yourself! " I heard my mother say in the distance. 'Kellin cuts??'I thought to myself as I watched Kellin lick up the oozing blood on his arm,grab his book bag,placed his ear buds in his ears then walk out the door to catch his bus. My mother then looked at me and said "Emily get ready your bus is about to come."

I looked at myself in my full length mirror 'dark mysterious eyes, and I'm looking pale...maybe sick ' I thought to myself. I turned away from the mirror,pulled on my sleeping with sirens shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and my vans. I then turned back to the mirror and looked at my hair. It was a mess my curls all over the place and the blue highlights making it look pretty odd. I was about to walk out the door when I almost forgot my phone and earbuds. I grabbed them and ran to the bus.

As I border the bus I searched for an empty seat. When I found one I sat down and put my ear buds in a cranked up my favorite song dead walker Texas ranger by sleeping with sirens and lost myself into another world. When I heard the bus come to a stop I was alarmed and came back to reality. 'Another day in paradise' I mumbled under my breath sarcastically. As I walked to the school I got a killer idea to write a book. When I got to my locker I just stared at "goth kid", "wanna be" and "freak" spray painted on my locker. I dialed in my combination and opened my locker.

Random things fell to the ground, I scurried to the ground trying to pick up my belongings when my best friend Fenian came along with his amazing slipknot bookbag. "....Uhhhh ....junky locker I see." He looked at me with concern on his face then said " tell me what's wrong." I turned my music off thensat down against the wall and said "I think my mom is going through some things. Mind if I crash at your place this afternoon?" I looked up. "Sure its cool." He said and flipped his amazing black hair. "Come on let me help you up. "

As I collected my books for my first and second periods I could feel Fenians eyes on me, I blushed then closed my locker as he walked me to chemistry class. All the kids around us were talking when my girl best friend Alex came up and was like "ooh do I see Fenian and Emily together? " "no! He was just walking me to class" I explained to her. "Alright I'll see you there I have yo go say hi to Sam " she said before she left. Me and Fenian had been friends for 2 years since he moved here from Huston , but it felt as though we have known each other for years

"I need to talk to you, mind saving me a seat at lunch? " Fenian asked interrupting me out of my thoughts. "S-sure, alright Fenian thanks for walking me to class" I watched as he walked away. That amazing walk of his. When I walked into the room it was as of everyone had been watching because Tyler said "oh so you with Fenian Emily? " I wanted to yell 'no we're just friends 'bit I just mumbled "we will never be together" then found a seat by Alex.

First period flew by. When we got to literature the idea of writing a book came back to mind. Fenian walked in and found a seat by me "your umm....have you heard falling on reverse's new song?" Always trying to make a conversation. Mr Banks then took the attention of the class and said " do some creative writing while I grade some of your tests." I pulled out my notebook and begin to write: "My eyes are always on him. His eyes always on me. I doubt that this is some sick tragedy. Will our love for each other ever be set free? I think this is killing me on the inside. Nobody knows how I feel Taylor thought to herself as she walked down the hall. Her mind was clusters with events that had happened earlier that morning that she didn't notice the guy that she had been watching in front of her. She bum-"

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by fenian as he tried to look at what I was writing. "Times up! You will orally recite what you wrote tommrow in class if you didn't finish I expect you to finish for homework." I heard Mr.Banks as the bell rung. I gathered my belongings and headed out the door before fenian could ask me what I was writing about. As the day went by I didn't see Fenian. I didn't see him at lunch either I don't know what's going on.

As the final bell of the day rung I went to my locker then realized that I didn't have my notebook. Just as I was about to go back and look for it I bumped into Fenian. He was smiling......something was up because he never smiles. He's emo for gods sake!

".....Fenian why are you smiling...?" As I asked he handed me my notebook. Then says " I have something to ask you....I'll ask you as we walk to my house." My mind was running. Would it have to do with me? Are my dreams going to come true?

I felt the blazing sun piercing my skin as I stepped out of the school.Fenian took a deep breath then said "Emily I've been wanting to tell you this all summer..... I just never knee how to tell you. But I think I have this right .." He paused to look at me. " I really like you alot. What would you say if I asked you out? " I was really shocked by the words that had just left his mouth.

"Fenian I would say yes!" I then wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as I could. As I hugged him I inhaled his beautiful sent. As I detatched myself I saw the most wonderful smile ever on his face. We both walked in silence, our minds running with thoughts of the future. As we walked up his driveway he whispered in my ear " my mother knows a lot abpout you" I was shocked to hear him say that. He really talks about me at home? As we walked through the door his mother said". Dinner at six.... Oh hey Emily ...that's Emily?" She extended a hand and introduced herself I did the same. Then Fenian said "alright mom.see you at six."

He then led me to his room. Amazing! Posters everywhere like: sleeping with sirens, black veil brides, pierce the veil, falling in reverse and blood on the dance floor. When he saw me looking in utter amazement he then said" this could be your second home if you like plus my mom really likes you." He pulled out a bean bag chair and said " for you." I then sat down and asked " what did you write in Mr. Banks class?" He looked at me, his eyes went wild then he said " that's for me to know and for you to find out "

I then said " where is your brother and your two sisters? " he sighrs then said " you'll see them at dinner. I'm getting lonely over here, how about you come sit by me?" He then patted the bed beside him. As I got up I saw a smile creep across his face. There it goes again just beautiful. "Your beautiful" he said then leaned down to kiss me. I was like a rabbit trapped in a corner , but when his lips touched mine all my worries vanished and a sense of relief flooded over me. Then out of no where I heard his door burst open. " ooh mom! Fenian's in here necking with some girl!" Yelled his brother Cody. "Awe shut up " Fenian then said. He then got up and shut the door. "Time for dinner " I heard his brother yell behind the closed door.

I got of the bed and walked over to the door. My phone rang. I looked at it. It was just Alex. I'll call her back later. Fenian walked over to where I was and whispered " we'll finish that later " then opened the door for me and led me towards the kitchen

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