Better Left Unsaid

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This wasn't the first time he had come back like this, but it was the first time he came back like this alone. Usually Woo bin, Ji hoo, or Jun pyo would bring him back. This time, this time he showed up alone, missing his tie and suit jacket in his hand. Ga Eul stood there watching him stumble in.

"Wheres Woo bin?" She asked, her hands crossed over her chest.

"Didn't go with them." Yi Jung began to unbutton his shirt.

"How did you get home?"

"Driver service." Ga Eul walked over, holding his hands still.

"Where's your tie?" Silence echoed throughout the room. His hand slowly rising to his throat, wondering which bar did he loose it at. He had met a couple of his pottery friends for drinks, a couple of drinks turned to karaoke with some girls he didn't much care for.

"Someone must have taken it."

"I can't take this much longer Yi Jung." Her hand coming to rest on her stomach. "We can't take much more of this."

"I'm just stressed-"

"I know but your acting like your father!" Ga eul wanted to take the words back the moment she said them. She could see Yi Jung shut down in front of her, his eyes glazing over, his brain working on what she said. Ga Eul covered her mouth, tears forming.. Yi Jung put his jacket back on, pulling out his phone.

"Where are you going?" She asked, following him to the front door. His eyes not even meeting hers. He shakes his head, shutting the door behind him. Ga Eul placed a hand on her stomach, rubbing the bump that held their unborn child.


Ga eul opened the door, hoping to find her husband standing in front of it, missing his keys, but instead she found her best friend.

"Jan di! I ruined everything." She cried. Jan di wrapped her friend in a hug, her pajamas wet at the bottoms.

"Yi Jung just went down the street to our house. Jun pyo is with him, trying to sober him up. What happened?" She asked, rubbing her friends arm.

"I said he was acting like his father." She wiped her friends tears away, smiling at her.

"Don't worry, he's drunk right now, if that's not acting like his father then I don't know what is. You need to calm yourself, at least for the baby's sake."

"His father wasn't just a drunken man. He's father went out on his mother all the time. I basically accused him of cheating on me!"

"Ga Eul, stop it. Yi Jung has been going out drinking a lot lately and you both were bound to explode. Saying things during a fight is only to spite one another, that doesn't make them true."

"Doesn't it?" Jan di wrapped her arm around her friend. She guided her to the couch in the living room, draping a blanket over her and sliding in next to her. Ga eul placed her head on her shoulder.

"Let's sleep and deal with it tomorrow. Everything will be fine in the end."

"Promise?" Ga Eul knew she couldn't promise it, but for some reason she needed to hear the word.

"I promise." Jan di smiled, hoping to give her friend just a little peace.


Yi jung found himself face first in a toilet. Jun Pyo was standing by the door, his usual face of disgust, handing him toilet paper while looking away.

"This is why I don't like drinking with you." Jun Pyo pointed out. Yi Jung took a few sips of water hoping to keep it down.

"I don't know why I do." Jun Pyo sat down his back on the door.

"Jan di is with Ga eul, so you don't have to worry about her or the baby right now." Yi Jung shook his head.

"I'm always worried about her and the baby. No matter what is going on, I can't stop worrying."

"Is that why you keep drinking so much?" Yi Jung shakes his head.

"Shes close to being due soon. I just keep thinking what am I going to do? My parents are not the best examples by a long shot. I just... the only person I can look to for guidance is my dad. I don't want to be like my dad. I never want to hurt her the way he hurt my mom."

"Then don't." Yi Jung shook his head.

"How do I do that?"

"You know what he does, so don't do that. Stop drinking so much, stop making your wife worry about you. Don't flirt meaninglessly with other girls and you'll be fine." Yi Jung chuckled shaking his head at his friend.

"Since when did you get so smart?"

"I've always been smart, just took Jan di to yell at me for me to show it." Yi Jung laughed before quickly throwing up in the toilet once more. Jun Pyo let out a yell, handing him some more toilet paper.


"I didn't mean it!" Ga eul said the moment Yi Jung walked through the doors. He looked up, all red eyed and hungover. "I'm sorry, I was angry and hormonal, I didn't mean it." In three strides he took Ga Eul's face in his hands kissing her deeply. She was the only thing that matter nothing else.

"I know you didn't." He wiped a tear away before it could fall further. "I don't want to be like my dad. I want to be one of the greatest dads this child has every seen. Just how I want to be one of the greatest husbands that anyone has ever known."

"You already are." Ga Eul smiled. "Some things shouldn't be said."

"Somethings should be."  

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