Baby I

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Gu Jun Pyo thought it would be a great surprise. He never gets out of the office early enough for her Thursday shift. Today was special, it was their anniversary of the first time they met. Though she probably wouldn't have remembered it because of how much she hated him the first time they met. So that is how he he found himself on her floor waiting by the reception desk. One of the nurses smiling at him, trying to get his attention. He kept his eyes on his phone, it wasn't until he heard her voice did he look up. Jan Di was speaking to a fellow doctor. This one he didn't remember. He was good looking, not as handsome as him, but still good looking. She hit his arm, laughing at something he said. The other doctor, was smiling at her. His smile isn't as handsome as his is either. Jan Di's eyes darted to his. Her smile was still there, but he thought for a fracken of a second it got smaller. She waved goodbye to the wannabe hot doctor and came over to him. When she finally came over to him, she gave him a look he all too well. Her smile was there, but her eyes were asking what was wrong. He grabbed her hand, dragging her to the elevator.
"Jun Pyo!" She whispered towards him, but he kept silent. She let out a loud sigh, holding his hand, giving her disapproving look. "Fine, we'll talk about this in the car."


Jan Di quickly placed her hand over Jun Pyo's before he could drive off.

"No, your not driving angry again! The Last time almost killed us. What is wrong?" She looked at him. He sighed slamming his head against his head rest.

"I don't like him."

"What, Doctor Kim?"

"Yes! He's just...He's into you and you know, I know it, the whole hospital can see the way he's looking at you." Jan Di tried to stifle her laughter.

"Honey, your Jealous."

"Damn right I am! It's just..."

"Just what? I love you. Jealousy and all." He holds her hand, his thumb running circles over her skin.

"It just feels like High School all over again. Another handsome guy, A doctor."

"But who did I marry? Who did I stay with? I chose you, and If I had to do it all over again, I would still choose you." Jun Pyo looks over at her, a smile slowly coming to face.

"I'm more good looking though right?" Jan Di, leaned over giving him a kiss.

"The best one I could ever find." Before he brought the car into motion, he pulled her hand up, kissing the wedding ring sitting on her left hand.

"Let's go home." 

Yours TrulyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum