authors note

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well, hello there wonderful person who clicked on this book! thank you!

before you get started reading this book I'd just like to say a couple things:

1. Please no stealing my work, even if it might be shiz. that brings me to the next thing...

2. I haven't written a lot of books or anything Im not some magnificent writer so if you do not like my writing please just leave, no hate, but friendly criticism is welcome :)

3. I do not have a cast, I like to imagine my characters.

4. I do not have an uploading schedule. I write on my own time, I have a busy life but I will try!

5. If you'd like to make any covers feel free to pm me, in return I'll give my upmost gratitude and I'll have no problem shouting you out in my book.

6. This book WILL have mature content, I will give a warning before hand in a chapter so feel free to skip.

okay, I do believe that is it.

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