The Downfall (Part 2)

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Zim banged his fist against Dib's door.  After about five minutes of nothing, he pressed his "ears" against the door.  

A weird vibration rattled the walls- it was like- blending bolts?

He pounded on the door harder, only to be interrupted with an ear-piercing boom.  Zim froze in surprise, but he knocked one more time.

Dib opened the door so quickly, that the Irken fell flat on his face.  Dib was covered with dark grey ash, and he coughed up nuts and bolts.

"What do you want, ZIM!?" A low growl echoed around Dib's throat, along with a few clinks of metal stuck in his vocal chords.

Zim sighed, "I have a really... odd question.  You may or may not like it."


Time Skip


"So you're saying that you want MY help to take over your OWN empire?"  Dib almost choked on a chocolate covered peanut he was eating.

Zim nodded.  Dib tapped his fingers against the glass coffee table.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Dib raised an eyebrow.

Zim handed his archenemy a recording of the Tallest's video call that happened earlier that day.

Dib pressed play and watched the whole thing.  He returned the tablet to the green being.  His face appeared shocked from the whole thing.

"What do you think?"

The boy scratched his head, "how are you going to pay me?"

Zim thought for a moment,  "you know how you have been desperate for capturing me and sending me to your weird... program?


"Well, once I get a hold of the Tallest, I can hand them over to you.  You can do whatever the hell you want to them."

Dib grinned,  "deal?"


The Alien and the Human shook hands.  

"Meet me at my house at nine," Zim grinned, "I can heat up my ship and stop the Irkens before they reach Earth."


Time Skip


Dib jogged to Zim's house when Gir tackled the boy,  "INTRUDER ALERT!" Gir hissed.

Dib looked at the green dog with a shocked expression.

"GIR!  Get off of Dib this instant!"  Zim roared as he packed weapons into his shuttle.

"Yes, my master!" Gir leapt off of Dib.

Dib finally sat up and said,  "looks like he matured."

Zim picked up Gir,  "it turns out the Tallest fooled me into thinking that it's "advanced" when they really gave it junk instead of a motherboard."  Gir stuck out it's tongue.  Zim continued, "I gave it a motherboard, but I kept the junk.  Once you live fifteen years with it, you'd grow fond of it's personality.  It can be really useful if you think about it."

Dib cocked his head, "how exactly?"

"Oh.  You'll see."

Both boys hopped into the ship and blasted off of the planet.

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