Hero's Suck :(

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Your average boy wouldn't need to find comforts in the thoughts of death and suicide . Things were different with certain boys but some more than others like it would be unusual for a boy to plan his own suicide and the way for him to execute it but it's something entirely different for a boy to just commit it on a whim . It's hard for a child to comprehend what death means but every so often you get a child who understands concepts that he shouldn't have knowledge of at all . A certain green haired boy had the all the ideas of death and suicide as well as sex, drugs , money running through his mind and he wasn't even 15 yet. He was 11 years old when he first tried suicide , He failed badly with his first attempt as if something didn't want him to die . He wanted death because of his bullies which were supposedly soon to be hero's but what hurt the most was that his bullies consisted of his old friends because you see the green boy had no quirk or simply he had no power . The bastards took advantage of him by beating him to a pulp every single day just because they had power . The day izuku realized that something was wrong with society was when he found a corrupted hero . He'd been walking home when he heard screams of pain coming from the apartment directly below his as it was the only one without soundproofing windows and walls. He knew there was a fire escape staircase built into the side so in his heroic instinct he ran around his building and hopped onto a dumpster and jumped up to the latter barely pulling himself up then he walked quietly up the stairs. He peered through the window of the apartment and saw blood everywhere and in the center of the room stood Kamui Woods holding a man by his neck well actually his mask . Izuku froze the instant he saw the mask , it was All For One the most notorious and dangerous villain but izuku couldn't figure out why he wasn't using his quirks to breakout and kill Kamui Woods until the " Hero " Himself said why out of arrogance.
" Damn does all this hurt All For One? It's a shame you can't do anything to me cause I'm sure you'd stop me from torturing you and honestly I'd be dead if it weren't for those cuffs but don't get me wrong I'd fight you regardless and the only thing stopping me from destroying you in a 1 on 1 fight are those damn cuffs . I can't remove them neither can Allmight, they were made specifically so no quirked person could open them but trust me when I say this All For One , You will never be set free. Once I'm done you'll be transferred to Mt Lady's room so she can torture you next but if you die then you die and then we can use your death as a reason to convince the police Chief to let us hunt down every last villain in the city . You vermin have run amok long enough and it's time to put you all down . Hope you like me being gone for 2 days maybe you'll starve to death " Kamui said laughing while walking towards the apartment door as All For One was laying on his back in a pool of his own blood . The door slammed shut then a locking noise was heard as All For One started to fade in and out of consciousness while grunting . Izuku was in shock feeling like he should just leave but the hero in him said " GO HELP HIM " and he obeyed , He ran up another set of stairs to his own home . His mother was not home which made everything easier , He remembered how his mother used to help heal his cuts so he grabbed rubbing alcohol from the cabinets and a bunch of napkins plus bandaids . He went back out the window of his home and back down the stairs then into the apartment where All For One was once he was sure no one else was in the bloodied room , it must've been about 4 pm.  All For One was much worse than he looked from the window , Many splinters and pieces of wood stuck in him as well as vicious cuts and exposed bones looking like they were ready to snap at a touch . The sight made izuku gag , he had seen blood before but never the bone or impalement or gallons of blood present . If izuku was allowed to say cuss words then he'd say All For One was a "tough and lucky son of a bitch ." Izuku got a grip on himself and pulled All For Ones body against the apartment wall then started to roll his sleeves up to see what he could help . Blood or sweat covered everything on his person damn near marking every aspect of him harder to clean but izuku just tried to help , he crouched down infront of AFO and put alcohol on the napkins then cleaned all the smaller cuts he could before bandaging them with little dinosaur bandaids but the moment AFO began regaining consciousness izuku stumbled out of the apartment unfortunately leaving everything he brought behind . Izuku went back to his home barely making it in before his mother who questioned why he was out there to which he responded
" Just getting some fresh air mom."
The rest of the night went well until dinner time when after his mother ate with him and went to bed he got their leftovers and took them to the man currently starving under their apartment. Izuku did his best to feed him , not really caring how his own mental state was but caring more for AFO the supposed greatest villain who at this moment was nothing but a broken man . Izuku cleaned up his face so he could at least look presentable and then sat back on the blood covered floor and began to cry . His entire world was shattered , he always thought hero's were meant to protect everyone even villains if the must but never in his wildest dreams could he think of a reason for a hero to torture someone even if they are villains. Izuku was curled into a ball shape when he felt the floor Move down ever so slightly and a hand start to rub his back as more tears poured out . The only other person in the room was All For One then he heard this deep scratchy voice say " You known if I had my powers I would've killed you in an instant and left without regret ?" Izuku froze as his heart beat sped up fast enough that he felt like All For One could hear it .
" But I think being helpless genuinely opened up my eyes , not only to more painful struggles than I initially faced but I think it got me out of the cat and mouse game that happens between villains... What is your name ? "
Izuku was unsure of whether to tell the man the truth but his mouth moved on its own and blurred out
" Izuku....My name is Izuku midoriya ."
All For One responded " Izuku ? What a terrific name for a child like yourself . Tell me Izuku how did you find me if you don't mind me asking ?"
Izuku being engaged upon like that responded " Well I heard you being tortured cause I live directly above this place " with glee , Izuku realized his tone and tried to apologize but All For One stopped him and coldly said
" Don't say sorry, Don't ever say sorry to me. I don't mean to be rude but I'm a person who does not deserve anyone's pity nor do I want it . "
Izuku asked the million dollar question that had AFO tripping a bit over his words.
" Why don't you want a sorry? I know even as a villain your human and we all feel sorry no matter how hardened we are, you may be a villain but I know you have a heart ." The words from this little boy struck AFO in the head like a bat , in all his years he'd never heard of sympathy for a villain because no one had ever bothered to see whether someone was truly committing crime because of their own selfish desires or because of others they have to protect. One such example was his subordinate Dabi , He had found the same thing wrong with hero's because of his father endeavor but he wanted to show his brother shoto that he was strong enough to overcome him and his father even if that meant becoming a villain. This was one of many situations that AFO had knowledge of but regardless to hear this from a child was far different from an adult. Izuku looked at AFO scared as if he'd died but as AFO came back to reality he asked " did you come up with this yourself or were you taught it? "
Izuku said, " half and half, my mom inko taught me that everyone is human no matter what and I pieced the rest together, haha ."

This is funny, under any other circumstances he would've really wanted to kill the child, this was downright disrespectful. He was a villain known for his gruesome nature and devilish ways but this boy was so damn perceptive and could see far beyond his mask plus crimes to see the child deep within AFO. Izuku Midoriya was a child prodigy in the sense that he could genuinely see the good in a person regardless of their past and present. AFO wanted to leave but with the cuffs on he couldn't plus kamui woods was going to return soon so a plan of action was needed . The child was smart , strength was not is friend but that could be corrected with time so perhaps he introduce Izuku midoriya and his mother into his family of villains . This was a plan for the ages and if he was correct this boy would cause hell for hero's like he'd once tried to do .

SORRY I BEEN HAVING SO MUCH HW CAUSE OF FINALS LIKE I LITERALLY HAD 3 ESSAYS DUE THE LAST 4 DAYS . Regardless I will be trying to update everything I can today which includes the harem story with lemon plus Despised kings and musical mishaps . Thank you for your patience ttyl .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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