ϟ odinson

36 2 0

prompt: rainy days
word count: 277
warnings: none

The sky gave off a low brontide, and theghostly howling of wind pushed against your open window frame

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The sky gave off a low brontide, and the
ghostly howling of wind
pushed against your open window frame.
You groggily looked up from the book
that was in hold in your hands and
down to the slumbering God of Thunder.

"Love." You hummed softly, fingers concaving
through his now ruffled hair.
Giving an annoyed huff you knocked his
shoulder slightly. "Darling." Speaking again,
this time with a stiffness.

He peeled his right eye open slightly,
his eyes filled with a tone
of verklempt .
"What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Thor huffed and burried
his head back into the nook
of the pillow. Your eyes turned from
annoyed to concerned in a matter of seconds.
You dipped your head
down to his , leaning downwards
you took his morose face in your hands.
"Look at me?" You spoke with soft words.
Thor's face looked absolutely
marcid in every way; and it broke your heart
to pieces.

Thor took your hands in his calloused
ones, a look of limerence
passed across his face. A ghost of a smile as
he looked at you. "I am okay dear [name]."
You propped yourself up ok your elbow
and gazed down over him. "As long as you're
okay I'm okay, Thor. As cheesy as
it sounds."

He hummed in content as he leaned back
down, his head leaning against your
chest, listening to the rythmic
thump of your heart,
as it matched with
the rain.

"As long as I have you I'm okay."

| this is choppy and
i have to edit it! but
i think i like the tone?
i'll probably
write a few more
tonight too|

NEFEBLITA | avengers imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora