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Your POV

I stay sitting, waiting for my phone to ring. Waiting for him to call me and at least say, sorry babe I'm going to be late or work is hectic right now I'll be home as soon as I can I love you. He doesn't think though, no thought to what I may think or feel. Not trying to sound needy- wait you know what, at this point I am needy. I want his love and his attention, I long for him on a daily basis.

"Let's let him know that." I say to myself with a little smirk on my face.

I stand up from Jake and I's bed and make my way downstairs to grab a water before heading to the recording studio in the basement.

"Hey Y/N." Anthony says to me when I enter the kitchen.

"Hey Tony, have you spoken to Jake by any chance?" I ask grabbing a cold water from the fridge.

"Yeah, about an hour ago, he said he'd be home at 9." He replies to me and I check my phone.

8:45pm the digits say on my lock screen.

"Alright thanks, if you need me I'll be in the recording studio." I say to him with a little smile.

"Wait a new song idea?" he questions with excitement.

"Not yet, more of a cover." I reply and he nods his head.

Jake's POV

I pull up in the driveway of the house and check the time, 9:15. Well not too much different than what I told Tony. Fuck I didn't tell Y/N anything though. I get out of my Lamborghini and walk into the house.

"Y/N?" I call out as I enter the main hallway.

"She's downstairs in the recording studio." Anthony replies from the kitchen.

"Alright thanks bro." I reply before putting my backpack down and making my way to the recording studio to see my girlfriend.

As I walk down the stairs I can hear her voice. The song she's singing, the amount of emotion in her voice, well that is enough to make just about anyone cry.

'Sorry if I'm up and down a lot, yuh

Sorry that I think I'm not enough

And sorry that I say sorry way too much

You can go ahead and call me selfish, selfish

But after all this damage I can't help it, help it

But what you can trust, is I need your touch'

Her voice is one of the most powerful things that I've ever heard. It's one of the things that made me fall in love with her in the first place. Not that there is anything I don't love; I love everything about her. Her imperfections and her flaws, everything.

'I'ma scream and shout for what I love

Passionate but I don't give no fucks

I admit that I'm a lil' messed up

But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up

I'm obsessive and I love too hard

Good at overthinking with my heart

How you even think it got this far?

This far'

'And I can be needy, way too damn needy

I can be needy, tell me how good it feels to be needed

I can be needy, so hard to please me

I know it feels so good to be needed.'

I open the door to the recording studio and see her standing in front of the microphone with tears running down her face.

"You're needed too, always." I say to her.

She runs up to me and smashes her lips against mine.

"I'm sorry I have been so busy lately." I whisper to her.

"It's okay that you're busy. Just let me know." She says still crying.

"I'll start to be more aware of how my actions effect you... I'm so, so sorry." I say as I kiss her forehead gently.

"Thank you." She breathes out.

Jake Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now