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(Dipper's POV)
As I did my work, I could feel Bill staring at me all throughout class. It was a very unpleasant feeling... I hoped and prayed to make it away from him after the final bell rang...

➖➖➖➖➖➖Time Skip➖➖➖➖➖➖

As soon as the bell rang I grab my things and made a run for it. Surprisingly Bill-... he walked right past me? Oh that's right... the after school meet up. He's going to know I'm his— no time to think as Bill's jock friends slam me against the lockers. He probably told them to beat me up, unaware I would be his tutor... I took the beating. Honestly I've had worse. The worse part coming from Bill Himself. When they finally left, I remain on the ground, trying to get my things together. But... when I go to stand, at first, I fail. I use the lockers to pull myself up. Something was definitely wrong. What I wouldn't know yet... it couldn't be broken, because I'm somehow still walking. I shake it off and worry about getting to my math classroom. I need to get to Mr.Sanchez and Bill, right away.

(Mr.Sanchez's POV)
I look down at my watch. Dipper's about 10 minutes late. I sigh and continue to wait, hoping he'd arrive soon.

(Bill's POV)
I sit at a random desk in the front row, waiting for my tutor to arrive. Damn guy/girl's late. Now I'll be late for practice. Isn't this just fucking lovely?! I look up at Mr.Sanchez as I hear him say.
"He should be here any moment..." the way he said it, like he was doubtful or worried. I wondered why but only for a moment as my thoughts were interrupted by Dipshit walking in the room. You've got to be fucking kidding me....

(Dipper's POV)
"I-I'm so sorry I'm late, Mr.Sanchez." I apologized, trying to be as polite as I could.
"Dipper are you alright?" He asked.
"Hm? I-.. o-oh! Yes I'm fine." I stuttered.
"You don't look fine." The teacher insisted. "What happened?" He asked.

(Bill's POV)
Great, detention here I come. Or so I thought... I was definitely not expecting the answer I heard from the Brat's mouth.
"I-I just slipped coming down the stairs, I'm sure I'm fine." The boy lied.
I almost can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm looking straight at this injured boy, a boy I pick on and make fun of and beat up everyday, and all he does it lie?! It's never occurred to me to think about it until now but... Why hasn't he ratted me and my friends out? He could do so easily and get away home free. Why lie? Like I said before. I've never understood this boy... and I don't think I ever Will.
"Alright, well be every careful and put some ice on it." The teacher said. The Brunette nodded and came over, siting in the desk beside mine. Goddamnit. He really is my tutor isn't he?

(Mr.Sanchez's POV)
"Mr.Cipher, Mr.Pines will be your tutor." I said. "Why?" I heard the blonde ask. "Why?" I asked. "Because he's the only one willing to do it. You heard what your coach said. Your grades slip and your off the team." The Blonde looked away and Dipper just sat there awkwardly.

(Bill's POV)
"I want you to treat your tutor with respect Mr.Cipher. He deserves it." I heard the teacher say. "Like Hell..." I mumbled. The teacher didn't hear me. But Dipper obviously did. Great. Now the brat won't want to do it... "when can we start?" Dipper asked. Now that... that shocked me. What the Hell... Kid, what's wrong with you?

➖➖➖➖➖➖Time Skip➖➖➖➖➖➖

(Bill's POV)
So I was late to practice. Great... the teacher is making us start tutoring tomorrow after school. And I'm very much not excited. Currently we were running laps around the field. Of course, even though I have an excuse to be late, coach still makes me run extra. But I don't take too long to finish up. After all. I'm a fast runner. I finish up my laps and as I'm walking to the weight room I see Dipshit on the other side of the fence. He's walking home. And he's... limping? I didn't want my friends to break the guy, Jesus. Just... damage slightly. I shake it off and go back to the others in the weight room where we talk and lift weights as practice continues.

(Dipper's POV)
I walk home, as usual, and end up passing the field. I don't think anything of it and continue home. When I did get home I got some ice, I went upstairs (ouch) and went to my room. I propped my leg up on a pillow with the ice on it and did my homework. After that it was still early so I got a shower and ate dinner and then I laid in bed with my phone, just being bored and looking around on it. Finally I put it down and closed my eyes as I sighted. Tomorrow's another day...

(Hey guys! Thank you so much to the people that voted on my first chapter and told me they enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy this one as well and I'll try to update it at least once a week, thank you guys so much!❤️)

899 words

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