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"I love you," He whispered in my ear, his very words sending shivers down my spine and throughout my whole body. I stared at his red, glistening eyes. I rejoiced in his words, feeling a sense of worth and accomplishment. I smiled at him and then looked back at my home.

"I know you don't like it," He breathed into my ear, his minty breath made me want to faint in his muscular grasp. I didn't look at him, I just kept looking at my home.

"Forget it, forget it all." He whispered, kissing me lightly on the cheek, sending sparks through me.

"With me, you'll never be someone you're not. You can be you, and I'll never, ever judge you for it,"

I turned to look at him, the love radiating between us.

"All you have to do is come with me," He said, holding out his hand for me to take. I briefly glanced back at the house and with determination grabbed his hand, the heat flushed through me at his touch. He grinned and we ran into the forest. 

Never looking back.

Young Blood (A Blood Slaves sequel)Where stories live. Discover now