Parker // always here for you

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Going through a heart break sucks.. it really does. I've always liked Peter but I was falling for someone else because I thought peter and I could never be a thing.. just a few weeks later I find out he's Spider-Man and he's on the team.. My Boyfriend well Ex Boyfriend just broke up with me because he needed sometime to himself and I completely understand.. tonight I'm in my room being sad but not crying because I still have feeling for Peter and the relationship wasn't the best..

I hear a knock on my door..
"Y/N? It's Peter.. I hear you listening to sad music are you okay?"
"I'm okay Peter"
"Yeah no I'm coming in.."
"Oh Y/N.. what's wrong?"
"He broke up with me"
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry"
"It's okay. He said he needed space and I understand it just hurts even though I've loved someone else this whole time.."
"What do you mean?"
"Peter.. this is killing me to say this but.. I've always liked you. No one else. But I kept telling myself liking my best friend is the worst thing to do so I gave up.."
"So that's when he came to our school I felt like I needed to move on but I couldn't. But he ended up asking me out and I couldn't say no because I hate saying no to people and I thought it was the right choice because I would never have a chance with you"
"You like me?"
"I like you too.."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah.. I've always had feeling for you but then he came along and I thought I had no chance.. but I never gave up on you.. I didn't / couldn't like anyone other then you.. so I waited and here I am.."
"Oh Peter"
I cried into his shoulder
"Y/N.. will you go out on a date with me tomorrow"
"Yes Peter I will love too"
"Just remember I'm always here for you"

A/N: hey everyone.. one I just saw endgame and I'm fricken sad but also I won't have anything to write about endgame for some time till I think it's safe from spoilers.. also this imagine.. today my "boyfriend" and I took a "break" he told me he still likes me but he's going through things and I completely understand. We aren't even dating we've been talking but he said give him a few weeks so I hope everything works out 😕💔 I really fell hard for this boy so I wrote it into a Peter Parker story kinda.. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️😭💔

Update: he told me that he wants to stay superrr close friends but he doesn't want a relationship I cried a lot he's upset I'm sad we texted it out but I'm a sad sister

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