Parker // I'll Watch

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    It was finally a fun week. Our community throws this Party kinda thing once a year for like 5 days. It has ride, activities, things you can shop from just a lot of fun. You are going to be with your friend for the whole week. Tony told me to be careful and if something happens just call. Dad gave me a talk about people. But your boyfriend peter aka Spider-Man didn't want you to go. He wanted you to stay with him and be safe at the avengers compound. But then he said that he'll stay close by as Spider-Man.

"Babe, you know you don't have to do this?"

"Well I am because my girlfriend is going to be walking around with her friend and staying the night at her friend house for a few days so imma stay close bye when your out because anything can happen"

"ok fine, but I think I can handle things to you know. I mean I am a avenger"

"Yes I know but I'm looking out for you"

"okay babe"

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too peter"

Peter insisted to drop you off as Spider-Man so he did. He grabs my waist and then we're off.

"So let's do rides first Y/N"

"Okay Y/F/N"

You hear in your ear peace

"Where are you going"

"To the rides"


You and your friend are walking to the rides and you turn your head and peter is swinging back and forth to keep site of you.

"Yo Y/N. Don't you know Spider-Man?"

"Yes why?"

"Because he's looking right at us right now"

"Oh okay. It's fine. I bet my uncle are Dad sent him"

"Oh okay"

"Really peter?"

"Sorry. Love you?"

"Ya ya ya love you too"

"Y/F/N let's go on the fairs wheel"

"Oh cool"

We got on the fairs wheel and peter is right on top of it.

It stops for people can get off and you and Y/F/N are on top.

"Oh hi Spider-Man"

"Oh hi Y/N. Hi Y/F/N"

"Oh my god you know my name?"


Peter gets down next to me and gives me a kiss


"It's fine. Just tell her"

"Oh shit. Peter?"


"Wow didn't see that coming"

He laughs.

"I'll be watching"


"Yes you and Y/N. Just in case anything's happens"


"Bye Spider-Man love you"

"Love you too"

"What the heck. Peter's Spider-Man?"

"Yes and you can't tell anyone it has to be a secret. Just like you knowing about me"


We do some rides

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