Parker // your spiderman?

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A/N so this is based off of the scene where Ned found out Peter's Spider-Man But instead of it being Ned its you

Oh my god I've been siting here forever where is peter? I said to myself. Why is he always out so late and being so distant from everyone? I've texted him like 15 times and no answer. I've started to work on the homework then study without Peter. But then his window opens and nobody's there so I sit then I look up and Peter is on the ceiling. He shuts the door with a web he gets down then turns around and see's me. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" "Um Peter we have our big test tomorrow. You told me to come to your house after I got out of work at 6 and it's 8:30" "oh ya I forgot" "but peter what the hell? Your Spider-Man the one on YouTube" "what no I'm not" he takes of the suit. "Peter you were on the ceiling." Aunt may walks in. "Oh peter your back" "Yes I am" "ok.. you might wanna put some clothes on.." she shuts the door. "Babe? You didn't tell me your Spider-Man" "ya I know I didn't" "Why?" "Because I don't want you to get hurt nor did I want to lose you" "babe you won't lose me. Everything will be ok" "ok.." I give him a kiss. "Do you still want to study or do you want me to leave?" "Stay please" "ok let me text my mom" "Can you stay the night??" "Peter it's a school night" "sooo" he said with a smirk "I'll tell my mom" "ok I'll show you how a spider study's" he said with a wink. "Haha not so fast lover boy. We really need to study the work first" "fine" "I love you Spider-Man" "haha I love you too Y/N"

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