Chapter 8

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(A/n: Excuse the drawings...? Sorry 'bout the quality...)

"Don't look at me...." cried Zane.

"What happened?" Lumine asked.

"My.... brother died.... And I k-k-k-k-killed a wolf......".

Lumine didn't say anything.

"Lumine... am.... I a monster........"

"no." Lumine said simplely.

"B-b-b-but I KILLED A wolf.... And I went crazy...."

"It was self defense. Besides, I'm guessing your brother had just died." Lumine said.

Zane slowly nodded.

"See? You didn't mean it." Lumine smiled.

Zane quickly hugged Lumine, "Thanks for understanding......"

"Where's Channer?" Lumine asked.

"Behind the bush watching his 'ship' happen....." sighed Zane.

Lumine dug in the bush, "Where?"

Zane pointed to the closest bush.

lumine dug in that one, "Where?"

"H-h-h-he's a g-g-ghost......"

Lumine hung his head, "I'm sorry."

"It's.... Fine..." smiled Zane, "the CAPTAIN is here with his 'ship' " said Zane glaring at Channer.

"So... you can see ghosts..." Kody muttered.

Zane jumped, "um.... Y-y-y-es.. Is that weird....?"

"Interesting..." Aiden muttered.

Zane jumped again, "WHERE DID YOU CAME FROM?!"

"My mom...?" Kody said.

"What about your mom...." said Zane.

"I was answering your question."

"Oh, is she-" zane started then paused, "Let me see....." his eyes glowed and saw a strange blurry women...

"Blocking you, is she?" Aiden chuckled.

"I-I-I I saw a burry women....?"

"Ah, So you're stronger than most..." Aiden said ominously.

Zane tried not to make eye contact with Aiden...

"Jerk." Kody muttered. "I can't even do it and you know that, Dad."

" no no no no! Your fine it's just-" said Zane.

"Shut up." Kody hissed.

Zane jumped, "anywho... Channer how's your 'ship' doing...." sighed Zane.

Channer giggled, "out on the high seas."

Zane rolled his eyes, "What is your 'ship' anyways?" asked Zane.

"Zane x Lumine."

Zane blushed like crazy, "CHANNER, that's GAY!!!"

"They can hear you~ blusher!" Channer sang.

Zane looked back at the group, "That's... um....." blushing like a tomato (again).

Channer laughed. "A fair point?"

Zane shook his head, "Nooooo....... Your SHIP has NOT SAILED!"

"I'm the captain so I choose the route."

Lumine world ocs! (With my cousin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora