Jessica Dawn-Lee Lily Potter

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I do not own any of this they belong to J.K Rowling and Joss. I only own Jess Potter

I woke up screaming. I started having nightmares two months ago. I kept hearing screaming and then a flash of green light with a person crackling.

I was living in Sunnydale, California. I lived with my Mom Joyce Summers and my two sisters Buffy and Dawn Summers. We haven't seen our Dad since our parents divorced.

Not to long after I woke my Mom and Buffy came running into my room, they were getting used to screaming but we just found out that Buffy isn't the only Slayer in the family. When she died, I was called. We both have the same watcher. Oh, I almost forget I'm turning eleven in two days. My twin sister tends to sleep through my screaming.

"Jess, we need to tell Giles about these dreams. They can be important." My sister and the other slayer Buffy said when I realized it was just a dream again. But it felt so real.

"Look, I want to try and figure this out before I go to Giles. There was something new in this dream."

"What?" My mom was justing sitting in my desk chair listening. She never talked when me and Buffy started to talk about dreams....because they might be Slayer dreams.

"Well I was like one and there was this boy he had messy black hair while my hair was still red and kinda wavy. And our parents were there. Not Mom and Hank...but Lily and James. I heard there names this time. There was banging on the door and someone said....not said, it was like a snake was talking. He told them to open the door, to give him the twins and they could live. So James yelled at Lily to take the twins upstairs. So Mom took us and ran to the nusery room and placed us in the crib. I could hear Dad die. And then Voldemort walked into the room and told Mom she live as long as she gave us to him. Mom said no of course and he killed her. Then he tried to kill us and both of us got a ligtening scar on our foreheads."

I touched where I had the lightening scar on my forehead. It was in the exact same place as the little girl in my dream.

"Mom, was I adopted?!"

"Jess, I didn't want to tell you but a man brought you to me and Hank when you were one. It was October 31st. His name was Albus Dumbledore. He told me that when you were eleven you would be going to Hogwarts which is a school for witches and wizards. You would also meet your twin brother Harry Potter. According to Dumbledore you two our known in the wizarding world as the boy and girl who lived.

"Whats my full name? The one my parents gave me?"

"Jessica Dawn-Lee Lily Potter."

"So you only changed my last name! And you never thought to tell me who I was, not even when I became The Slayer! How could you? I deserved to know. And Dawn.....she isn't my twin sister?! I'm going to Angel's.

"Jess, you knew that. She's the Key. But instead of just my esence they used yours as well. Yours is probably more powerful due to who you are. Do you want me to take you to Angel's?

"No, I can do it by myself. He won't care if I just show up. He told me he doesn't care.?

That's when my Joyce. What am I suppose to call her now? Asked me if I have done it before. I looked at her and told her yes many times. When Buffy died, when I found out Dawn was The Key. And many other times. Then I walked out and headed to Angel's Mansion. I had my own room there and everything.

So I'm just wondering do you guys like it...should I continue or scrap it? 

Love Jess D.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2012 ⏰

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