Personal Hell

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     'Can't believe I have to do something as mundane as this.' Michael laid on the floor ready to descend into Hell.

     Cordelia's face twists with worry, "Y/N is a sweet girl." Cordelia holds back tears, "she means everything me and my coven. Y/N wanted nothing more than to live a normal life. When she left, we were all heartbroken, and when she died it only made the pain worse."

     Michael didn't care about the sob stories or the fact that he has to bring back Misty and Y/N. 'I suspect she's hoping I get trapped down there.' He was looking forward to retrieving another witch, after all this would only prove how powerful he is.


     You shake with anxiety. Being trapped in your old room was not what you were expecting to happen. You were skilled in your craft, but you underestimated the power of this place. It seemed like the pounding on your door was never ending. You sit on your bed, hugging your knees to your chest.

     "Come on Y/N, open the door!" That wretched voice tormented you every second.

     You let out whimpers and pressed your back closer and closer to your bed frame trying to put more distance between you and the door.

     "I don't want to use force but if I have to I will!" He screams every day.

     The pounding on the door stops but then the sound of the doorknob jingling echos in your ears. You frantically get up from your bed and pull a knife out from your dresser. 'Why do I even bother?' You thought to yourself as you hid under your bed. 'It always ends the same...' The door flies open and slams against the wall.

     "I love you Y/N, all I want to do is protect you and show you how much I love you." It was your ex-boyfriend, he walks around your bed and peers in your closet. You try not to make a sound and cover your mouth with your free hand and tightly hold the knife in the other. "Please Y/N, I need badly."

     You will not be fooled by his words, you found out the hard way that he never meant anything he says. The pool of tears on the floor grows with every second, you clenched your eyes shut and try to take a deep breath.

     "Found you~"

     "No!" You yell and kick, but it doesn't stop him. He drags you out and throws you on the bed. Your heart pounds in your ears and your throat feels like it's closing. He climbs on top of you with a smirk on his face.

     "Please don't, if you loved me, you wouldn't do this!" You held the knife you your chest paralyzed by fear.

     He chuckles, "but how else am I supposed to show you that I love you?" He began to take off your pants, but you slash his throat. Sadly, here in Hell, the rules of logic do not apply. It doesn't stop him, you stab his chest, his stomach, but he keeps going. He continues to undress himself and you. All you can do is scream and cry. No one is there to help.


     It happened over and over. No matter how many times you hurt him he wouldn't stop. No matter how many times you tried to kill yourself the rape kept happening. This time you laid on the bed while he was pounding his fist into the door. You felt so numb, so empty, but what did you expect? This was Hell after all, your own personal Hell. Suddenly, there was no noise, no ruthless knocking.

Personal HellWhere stories live. Discover now