because she loves you

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The heart rate monitor continued to beep every few seconds in a steady rhythm. Doctor Wilkins explained this was a good sign, that Toni's heart functioning correctly on its own. All of her tests had come back clear.

Thankfully, Betty had gotten Toni's message with not a second to spare. The blonde had immediately called FP, who rallied the deputy Serpents and the rest of the Riverdale Police Department, and the group had arrived just in time to save Toni's life.

Cheryl had not left her girlfriend's side since they allowed her into the room hours after they had arrived at the hospital. The redhead had immediately taken Toni's hand in her own and refused to let go, even as nurses filtered in and out of the room to check her girlfriend's vitals. Every so often she'd look up at the monitor or check for Toni's pulse just to make sure she was still alive.


She looked up to see her cousin standing at the doorway, a cup of coffee in each hand. "Hi, cousin."

"I thought you might need this," Betty said as she handed Cheryl the coffee. "It's a cherry mocha. I wasn't sure what you'd want so I just asked them to give me whatever cherry thing they had on the menu."

"It's perfect." Cheryl accepted the cup with her free hand. She took a sip and sighed, "Thank you... I really did need this."

The blonde nodded and turned her head towards the bed, "How is she?"

"Stable, thanks to you."

"I just made some calls, that's all."

"Still," the redhead gave a weak smile, "if it weren't for you I'd have lost her. Thank you."

Betty nodded and took a drink from her own cup. "FP got him you know? Edgar. He tried to drink some of that himself, but they brought enough cyanokit for pretty much the whole farm."

"He should have let him die."

"Maybe, but it's his job. The Sheriff can't really let people die."

Cheryl scoffed at the comment. While she had long forgiven FP for his role in Jason's death, she still had trouble wrapping her head around that the man who helped cover up her brother's murder was now supposedly the town's moral compass.

"He's in the hospital somewhere on a secured floor. The place is swarming with Serpents in case anyone tries to break him out. Even after everything some of those people are still loyal to him. Evelyn is in the psych ward. That's a whole thing... apparently she's his wife. We found a bunch of files during the raid, and-"

"I don't care!" Cheryl snapped, cutting off the blonde.

"Cheryl, I-"

"No offense, but each and every one of them can go to hell. I don't want to hear about Edgar or Evelyn or how your boyfriend's father saved the day. The only thing that matters to me right now is her. So please, wait to fill me in on all the twisted inner workings of the Evernevers' minds when Toni is awake to hear it as well."

"Sorry," Betty responded somberly. "Is there... is there anything you need? Anything I can do?"

"Unless you know how to wake her up, no there isn't."

Betty nodded. "So what have the doctors said?"

The redhead wiped away tears which had begun to fall during her outburst, "Her vitals are good. They've been checking every half an hour to make sure there's no change. They said you got her the treatment just in time... another minute or two later and... Apparently she's lucky. Can you believe that? They said she was lucky. All we can do now is wait for her to wake up. There's no way to tell... to tell if she suffered any long term damage until she wakes up. If she wakes up."

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