Chapter Seven

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He couldn't believe it. Had Eliott seriously just done that? He had dangled something in front of him and then torn it away as soon as Lucas got close. He had never felt like this before. He was furious. Everything was building up inside him. The anger, the lust, the heartbreak. So much had happened in such a short amount of time and Lucas was like a bomb, just waiting to explode.

He was still stood in the middle of the dance floor, the people suddenly seeming suffocating. He shoved past everybody, trying to find his friends. He couldn't see them anywhere. He had decided to get completely off his face. He was going to drink as much as possible to drown out the picture of Eliott. He needed to get rid of the feeling of the hands on his skin and the intense gaze burning into his own. Everything felt wrong and the only way to make it right was to forget. He was already pleasantly tipsy, but not enough to dull out the pain he was feeling inside. His heart felt tight inside his chest, like it was being pulled in different directions. There was a heaviness settling there and the pressure was starting to make him uncomfortable. He knew he was bordering on having an anxiety attack, but he managed to control himself. Deep breaths Lucas come on, it's not that bad. Just breathe.

Once he got his breathing under control, he took in his surroundings. He saw a shadow in the corner of his vision and he whipped his head around. He saw a familiar face and before he knew it, his legs were taking him towards the guy.

"Sofiane, right?" Lucas questioned, looking up at the taller guy.

"Yeah I guess, that's me"

"You're one of Eliott's minions aren't you"

"I prefer friend but sure"

"Please don't try to convince me he cares about anybody other than himself" Lucas scoffed, rolling his eyes at the thought of someone like Eliott having friends.

"Anyway, that's not important. I know you've been sent to spy on me"

"N-no that's-"

"It's fine, not your fault I know. Although dude, it's pretty creepy"

Sofiane was starting to look a bit uncomfortable now. He wasn't as harsh as Idris or Eliott, he seemed softer and seemed like a genuinely nice person. Lucas liked him. He was gentle whenever he dragged Lucas away and he made sure that his grip was never too tight. Idris and Eliott didn't seem to take the same concern.

"I need you to take me to Eliott" Lucas blurted out, sick of the beating around the bush.

"I can't do that I'm afraid"

"What do you mean? I need to fucking talk to him" he was getting really angry now.

"He said not to let you-"

"Take. Me. To. Him. Now" Lucas spat out. He was fuming. He was sick of the control Eliott had over him. He was sick of feeling like shit. He was sick of being fucked around by some guy who thinks he has the world in the palm of his hand. He was going to end this once and for all.

Sofiane just nodded, realising that Lucas wasn't going to stop and if he didn't take him to Eliott then he'd just find his own way there anyway.

Lucas was sat in the back of the sleek car that he'd been kidnapped in that first night. How the times had changed. He was voluntarily going to Eliott's apartment now. Never thought he'd see the day. His leg was bouncing up and down, he wasn't sure if it was from nerves or anger. It was probably a mixture of both. Lucas was generally a quiet, anxious person who tried not to get involved in any sort of conflict. But if something wound him up then he became this tiny ball of anger and nothing could stop him. He had a very short, fiery temper and could spit venom if necessary. Tonight was one of those nights. He wasn't afraid, not anymore.

Your Love Is Like A Drug, It's Intoxicating [Eliott and Lucas] DISCONTINUEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz