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Today we are in conversation with S&M, winner of Mystic Awards 2018 with the title Convict.

We have the chat divided into three main segments: Award Impressions, Writer Stories and Personal tid-bits. Ooo, fun right? So let's just get started!

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

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As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

"Definitely a hyena. We can't write seemingly serious scenes without laughing."

What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

"We owe them everything, our success in this contest, and most importantly, our brain cells."

What does literary success look like to you?

"Just having people enjoy our story and saying they like the book means a lot."

What did you edit out of this book?

"We actually have a couple. The first one was during Dean's day out in chapter 9. Him and Lisa were supposed to have a frisky moment since they finally had a bit of privacy but we decided to cut that part out. The second one was that Lisa's dad, Bobby, was supposed to die along the way. We ended up deciding against it though."

How do you select the names of your characters?

"Since the book itself is a Supernatural fan-fiction, we just chose the characters we wanted to include into the story depending on where they fit the most in terms of their personality."

What was your hardest scene to write?

"The sex scene. We were laughing ahaha and not to mention it was pretty uncomfortable but we powered through it. "

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

"This was actually our first book and it took us about 4-5 months."

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

"M watched Supernatural and I (S) just knew about it from her. For chapter 3 we researched sentencing to somewhat make it realistic as well as having to research lethal injection and that whole process."

| One place you have never visited but cannot wait to see?

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| One place you have never visited but cannot wait to see?

"S: My husband M: Uh Italy."

| Your favorite shower tune?

"S: Morph by twenty one pilots M: It changes all the time but right now it's All or Nothing by Theory of a Deadman."

| Do you have any special talents besides writing?

"S: Yea. functioning with one brain cell. JK I'm actually a comedian. M: I actually video edit"

| Your favorite destination that you have visited?

"S: Grand canyon M: The north portion of texas during the winter. It just looks so pretty."

| If you could go on a vacation right now, would you choose a hill-station or a tropical paradise?

"M: A tropical paradise. A hill-station sounds like it'd be cold for some reason and I hate the cold. S: If I'm with someone hill station, by myself all alone tropical paradise."

| Your favorite quote from a book and how it connects with your life?

S: "Besties before testes." from The Hate U Give except right now a boyfriend would seem really nice. Besties are still the best though :pM: I actually don't think I have one...

| One cuisine you will never say no to?

"M: Mexican for sure. S: My mom's food."

| Would you rather have your childhood days back or college life?

"M: Childhood days. College is annoying and a hassle, not to mention how expensive it is. S: fun exciting childhood or seeing cute guys all the time college life...."

| Are you a wine or a beer person?

"M: Wine. S: Water :)"

| If you had to choose between reading or writing, you would rather?

"Definitely writing for both of us."

| Something random that just popped in your head?

"M: Mashed potatoes. I'm hungry. S: oh you don't wanna know "

| How was your overall experience as a participant of Mystic Awards?

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| How was your overall experience as a participant of Mystic Awards?

"As a participant, it was fascinating to be able to see all the effort that went into the competition and being able read through reviews from other books while waiting for the results. I felt like that gave it a feeling of being engaged instead of just waiting for announcements."

Thank you S&M for taking the time to talk with us! Congratulations once again and we wish you lots of success as you continue writing!

Love, Mystics

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