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Today we are in conversation with Laxmi, runner-up of Mystic Awards 2018 with the title Friendship Redefines Love.

We have the chat divided into three main segments: Award Impressions, Writer Stories and Personal tid-bits. Ooo, fun right? So let's just get started!

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

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As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

"Snake , cos I love snakes and their mysterious aura of elegance with style. "

What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

"The book is kinda based on my life and the people around me. Still I would really like to owe my bestie Sneha for such a success. "

What does literary success look like to you?

"To make readers smile and relate their life with your book , is what success looks like to me. "

What did you edit out of this book?

"My title. Really that's the one thing which I am thankful for the judge to point out since it was a major setback. In my story. "

How do you select the names of your characters?

"My wild imagination and especially I'm fond of Christian names. So yeah that's it !!"

What was your hardest scene to write?

"The convo ones , since I had to depict what the 2nd person is thinking while the 1st person is talking so that was kinda hard to me. "

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

"If it's a book then I would say months , but then if it's about a particular chapter, Then I would say maximum 15 - 20 mins since I already have the plot in my mind. "

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

"I actually research on the names and background of particular places which I want in my book. Apart from that rest everything is just my funny imaginations. "

| One place you have never visited but cannot wait to see?

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| One place you have never visited but cannot wait to see?


| Your favorite shower tune?

"Well that's kinda tough since I like to sing so there's no particular favourite."

| Do you have any special talents besides writing?

"Singing and Poetry. "

| Your favorite destination that you have visited?


| If you could go on a vacation right now, would you choose a hill-station or a tropical paradise?

"Tropical Paradise obviously. Actually who wouldn't."

| Your favorite quote from a book and how it connects with your life?

I love the quote - "Do what you love , love what you do" from a particular book which I don't remember now. And I actually run my life on it. Since we should do what our heart wants. 

| One cuisine you will never say no to?

"Burger with extra cheese"

| Would you rather have your childhood days back or college life?

"Both well ... If that's not a hypothetical question !!"

| Are you a wine or a beer person?

"Wine I would say. "

| If you had to choose between reading or writing, you would rather?

"Reading is my favourite hobby and nothing , and I mean nothing , can replace it in this world. "

| Something random that just popped in your head?

"Well looks I'm good at fast typing as well."

| How was your overall experience as a participant of Mystic Awards?

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| How was your overall experience as a participant of Mystic Awards?

"My friend told me about such a thing in Wattpad , first , I was scared actually to participate , since I thought no one would like my book , you know inferiority complex. But eventually I gathered myself up for this when my parents and friends encouraged me. "

| Are there any changes you would recommend from a participant's perspective? Or is there anything you believe we could have carried better as a team?

"I really love this concept of the host to appreciate young budding talents in Literature. And I don't have any regrets for participating in such a good initiative. "

Thank you Laxmi for taking the time to talk with us! Congratulations once again and we wish you lots of success as you continue writing!

Love, Mystics

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