[Capturing the moment] Lin Chung X Reader

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Requested by BloomFudo

Art by: Revcanus on DeviantArt

Word total: 1861


Lin Chung's POV

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"I cannot seem to capture the moment!" Lin Chung let out a frustrated sigh, covering his face for a moment, before removing them and staring ahead with an upset look on his face.

"Uh, Lin Chung, sorry to sound like that type of person, but," Apetrully carefully started, wobbling a bit as he continued to balance on the tip of his toes, "can I please get out of this position? I'm afraid I won't hold it much longer!"

Lin Chung perked upright, looking at his Commander and nodded curtly, "Yes, sorry, Commander."

Apetrully sagged down onto both of his feet and gave a relieved sigh, "Oh sweet banana bread, thank you for relieving from that pose."

"Maybe I should try a drawing you in a different pose."

Panic was heard in the Commander's voice, and he quickly took a step back, "Uh, I can hear Woo the Wise calling for me! I hope you have a lovely day further, Lin Chung!"
Without another word to be shared between the two, Apetrully fled.

Lin Chung sadly stared at where the Commander was standing a few heartbeats ago. No one wanted to be Lin Chung's model, either they run out of patience, get too tired and lose their pose, or Lin Chung just gives up in the middle of it, discarding the painting and muttering along the lines of how a small mistake put off the entire intended feel of an art piece. It was the hardest part of being an artist. Thinking of who would openly volunteer to be his model, he mentally facepalmed, of course there was [Y/N], she said yes most of the times to his request of her being his model for a painting. She herself was a spectacle to wonder on her own, how her [h/c] loosely fell onto her shoulders and how her [e/c] eyes shimmered with amusement and warmth each time he seemed to mess up. She offered him to describe what he thought messed up and she would try and reassure him that it wouldn't look too bad, she even tried offering what he could do to change it.

She was truly wonderful to be around.

The noble warrior made his way through the clustered halls of Big Green, thinking only good things about [Y/N]. He had come to the realization that he had developed quite strong feelings for the other being, and always tried to be on his best behavior when she was around. Meaning that he always treated her with respect and offered to go get them lunch, small things like that. When he painted (or tried) her, he always tried to make it look as good as possible. It was not that Lin Chung didn't put any effort into his other paintings, he did, but whenever he was painting her, he just had that drive to make it look as good as possible.

He nearly walked into a wall, but stopped himself in the nick of time. She was enchanting to Lin Chung to say the least, making him forget about the current dire situation that was going on around him. He headed into the direction her room was located in, and with his luck he found her near the said room, talking to Mighty Ray, Mighty Ray facing him and [Y/N]'s back turned to him. Who by the looks of it were boasting about how his muscle toning looked. His shocking yellow eyes caught sight of Lin Chung and a rather silly smug look made its way on his face. Lin Chung felt his chest clench a bit, he didn't know how, but Mighty Ray found out that he had feelings for [Y/N]. When Lin Chung asked how he found out, Mighty Ray had simply responded with that he drew [Y/N] a bit too much.

[Hero 108] Remember the heroes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon