Request rules and other stuffies

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Greetings! It brings me great joy to see you here and actually take time to read the darn rules. I mean I don't blame you for skipping this chapter, we also do this when whatever website asks you if you had read the rules and regulations. We just click yes, I mean who takes their time to read all that boring stuff, like really?

But that is besides the point my dear Reader! I just want to clarify a few things before you start reading.

Request rules:

1. I will try and keep track of all of the requests you dear people give me, if you feel like I forgot about yours, don't be shy and comment again!

2. No smut. I beg of you.

3. Unfortunately no cheater!reader or cheater!character oneshot, once a cheater always a cheater.

4. Other than that please request away!

Stuffies about this book:

1. I shall t r y and include artwork for each chapter, if it's not mine then I shall try and credit the rightful owner of the artwork!

2. This book has no cover yet, if this text is crossed out it means that it got an official cover!

3. More things to be added in the future.

[Hero 108] Remember the heroes Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin