Introdction: How to properly enjoy this book

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Oh! I didn't see you there! (Get it? Because you're reading a book!). I will be your author for the evening. First off let's address the elephant in the room, his name is Ted. Ted does not like indie pop. Introduce yourself to Ted. Say "Hello Ted, my name is (insert name here)!". Ted is crying now, because you reminded him of his deceased parents. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Let's give Ted some time to recover, and get to the point (Ouch! That hurt!). Well, anyways like any book, to fully experience this book there are few things you will need to do.

Step 1: find some noir jazz music my preference being .

Step 2: you should keep a salty snack near by to simulate the salty smell of the ocean. (Cape Cod potato chips work great!)

Step 3: please salute when someone mentions The War, out of respect for the non-Canadian lives lost in those days.

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