Part 4

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The announcer yelled, "It's a TIE!"

I couldn't believe my ears nor my eyes. My horse and that man's stallion, it was crazy. So many people with microphones and cameras in my face asking me questions. It was like a once in a lifetime thing for two horses to TIE at the Preakness. Never happened in history. There have been close calls but never a tie.

The man who owned Oh Bop walked up to me. "You better figure out what you're doing," he shouts. "Either win or lose but keep out of my horse's way." He walks away.

I just stood there. He wanted to get under my skin but that ain't gonna happen. I'm not like that.

Many people wanted me to talk, I didn't want to. It's been a long day. I wanted to go home and think about what to do for the next race.

I knew it was Sure Fire Winner or no one to win the Triple Crown. He won the Kentucky Derby and now the Preakness. Well, sort of.

The days passed, Sure Fire Winner eats his normal amount of feed and just was being a dear. The groomer, Peter Henderson, Sure Fire Winner's best friend brushed him and loved him.

It was a beautiful morning and I walk out to the field as the groomer and my horse took a walk.

"How's he doing?" I ask.

"Good as always," Peter said doing big circles with the horse. Sure Fire Winner whinnied walking sideways and being frisky and hyper.

All of a sudden, I hear a honk. It was a semi with a trailer, a big trailer for a horse. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't have one clue.

The man rolled down his window and shouts out to me, "The Belmont Stakes are being arranged sooner than we thought. Instead of 2 weeks, it's a week, so let's get him loaded." The man jumps out opening up the doors to the trailer.

"But wait, they can't move the dates, THEY JUST CAN'T DO THAT. That's against the rules of racing!" I yell glancing at Sure Fire Winner and Peter.

"They just did, Miss." The man says waving for Peter to lead Sure Fire Winner to the truck.

This is crazy. There is absolutely no way in the world my boy was ready to race.

"Just wait.. let me call the main office.. this is unbelievable and there's no way it's true." I run into the barn and dial the number.

5 minutes later, I knew it was a lie. I knew it couldn't be true and I was right. I called the main office and the women at front desk said the date was still on and wasn't changed, someone pulled my leg and was trying to get us messed up on the dates and probably miss the Belmont. NO WAY! Sure Fire Winner is definitely going to run in that race.

There was only one person I could think of, the man who owned Oh Bop, I knew he felt threatened but for someone to play a nasty trick like that wasn't on the ground with both feet.

I run out of the barn and started talking to the man with the semi. He couldn't believe it ether. That man was desperate to win the Belmont.

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