Since the twins were both 21 years old and were of age, they were allowed to come and go as they pleased but at their own risk so they never went too far for too long. Ambrose worked as a Magizoologist, studying magical creatures and returning them to their natural habitats. He travelled abroad to different countries so he was usually gone  for a few days but he would return exhausted but with a new story each time. It was risky to leave the safe house where they stayed hidden but luckily Ambrose never stayed in one place for too long.  He was always on the move. It was an ideal job, all things considering.

Their sister Ambia took a different route. Ambia couldn't wait to be able to leave the house after 17 years of hiding so as soon as she hit 17, she left to travel around. Or at least just around England. She was careful about where she went and of the people around her. When she was 18, Ambia met a boy the same age called Nathan. Something they had in common was that Nathan was a wizard. Ambia enjoyed getting to know another wizard and quickly fell in love with him. Ambia soon became pregnant and Lavana had never seen her so happy. The whole family was. But then a month before Ambia gave birth, Nathan left. There was no letter to say why. Nothing. He just disappeared. 

Ambia gave birth to her daughter Cressida without him by her side. Nathan was gone and no one knew what had happened. Ambia didn't talk about him after that. Instead she moved her focus on raising her daughter. Lavana hadn't seen Ambia leave the house since Cressida was born and it didn't seem like she had any plans to. 

"So did you just spend the day shopping then?" 

Lavana's attention was back into the room as she heard her dads voice.

"No. After we got back from New York we went to get a drink."

"Did you drink it or wear it?" Alara asked, her eyes wandering to the stain on Lavana's top.

"Someone knocked into me and spilt my drink."

"Lavana didn't mind- I think she liked it."

"Oh was it a boy?" Her mum asked, intrigued. "What's his name? Where's he from? Teddy tell me about him."

Teddy smiled as Lavana tutted trying to ignore her parents exaggerated reactions to hearing the story.

"-and then they suggested we meet them at the fireworks tomorrow but I told them we would have to check."

"Good job Teddy was there then. See, at least he asks." Alara said, thinking back to a few months ago in the Easter Holidays when Lavana had snuck out of the house to go for a walk and her family had freaked out.

"Well if you're both careful, I don't see why you can't go out." Lavana's dad said.

Alara looked as though she was about to interrupt but Jacob cut her off. "We're safe here. It's America. They'll be fine."

Lavana knew that her mum would not be as agreeing as her dad and for good reason but she also couldn't help but think that her mum didn't think that she could handle herself. As much as she appreciated the concern for her safety, Lavana did wish that her mum would recognise that her nearly 17 year old daughter wasn't a little girl anymore and was very capable of looking after herself even with the potential threat lurking around every corner.

After a few disagreements between the parents, it was decided that they could go to the fireworks the next evening but there were rules. Teddy was not to leave Lavana's side and they had a strict curfew. The usual. Although Lavana did notice that Teddy left out the part where Lavana was on her own but her Dad was right. It was America. Probably the most safest country their family could be in and MACUSA, the American Ministry of Magic, had assured the family that there was no risk for them in this country. He would never be able to reach the borders. 

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