Chapter 11

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I transform my wings from their bloody glass state to a pair of large grey wings. I don't even know why my wings are changing; I just know I can change them; is this normal? Dad didn't get to this part of our lessons yet. When I trained with dad I just flew really fast; we used to have races on who can fly faster (he always won). There was also the aspect of camouflaging that he taught me, I'd call it incognito mode. Now as my wings feathers expanded and grew; to accommodate flying with someone, I feel like I could do anything. I'm glad my wings aren't heavy on my back.

"Wow!" I'm not sure who said it as the wind rushes past my ears muffling the voice by a bit, but I understand their awe; even I was extremely impressed with what my wings can do.

"I know right." I thought to them through our mind-link.

"Damn, I forgot that we had a mind-link," now with no need to hear the voice with my ears I recognize this voice as Tracy's.

"Me too actually," Ty says "we aren't heavy are we?"

"Don't worry, with how much I can carry, you guys are quite light" I reassure them both.

"Oh yes," I can practically see the bobbing motion of Ty's head in my mind "I forgot you can lift a lot what with you being a werewolf-angel."

"A wangel? Angolf?" These are all horrible suggestions from Cy's mind.

"No those are all terrible just leave it as a werewolf-angel okay?" I must shut these down before they stick around.

"What's that?" Ty now audibly asks after we got a slow and steady pace (there wasn't as much wind moving around us anymore, we could clearly see and hear each other). I look in the direction he points to.

"Huh?" Then I see it a tiny speck of light far away, it wasn't even moderately close; and by close I don't mean like 1or 2 km that thing is like 5-12km far away from us (school is like 4km away from our house).

"How can you even see that little speck so far away?" I shake my head at Ty, I'm not sure he can see me (he probably can with his enhanced werewolf eyes in this proximity).

"What speck? I was pointing at that thing there (he points in the direction of the light again but I can now see it was actually some wood structure in a tree) which by the way looks like a nest." He clarifies.

"What speck?" Cy also asks me, I guess she'll be squinting now. "Damned eye's, I want cool eyes like yours." My eyes are better than the average werewolf (clearly cause I'm not average), and my strength is also highly improved.

I try to locate the speck again but I see that it's no longer a speck but has grown slightly larger, I need to go investigate this; what if it's dangerous?

"Guys I'm going to drop you off close to the house." I increase my speed by a bit. "I need to go investigate that speck so head on in without me, I'll be right back." I tell them inside the mind link now since our speed has picked up they wouldn't be able to her me properly.

After I drop them off at the door step I head in the direction of the speck, it's currently 11.55pm; Sylvie and Vic will be back soon. It's too far away I need to just be close enough to see what it is since it could be dangerous. I can feel the wind through my feathers (I've changed them back into my normal ones since they're faster than the big grey ones) and it's amazing, the rush is a bit exhilarating; so I accelerate pushing them hard but this isn't the fastest, this is just a moderate speed. The speck is growing in size and luminosity, I'm not sure if it's because I'm growing closer to it or its expanding. Then something unexpected just happens; it goes out, like blinking way dust on your eyelashes. I turn to leave since it's gone now, however my hair draws my attention; it's floating above my head, not the normal it's on my head but feels light, it was practically floating like it was static. Then there's a bright flash of light, and a ring it spreads out originating from the spot the speck originally was. Now a long thin glimmering shaft of light reaches for the heavens, barely skimming the bottom of the clouds; it begins expanding outwards, the beam growing wider in size stretching to encompass the whole area.

This is when my mind decides to understand that this could be dangerous, but I'm a moth and this is my flame. My wings instinctively start propelling me to safety towards the house; with how fast I was moving now everything was a blur excepting that expanding beam of light. It's about to reach me, dear god I might actually be in danger; now I put my wings into moving quickly, away from the supposed danger. However the beam dissipates and like a nuclear explosion (what if that's what it is?) it explodes sending out yet again another ring of light. The light that touched me before felt like nothing as it passed by, but this, this one feels eerily cold; a creeping of ice cold fingers on my exposed arms, the brush of frost kisses washing over my face, then a chilling web of mist brushes my ears and whispers in the most silent silvery voice I've ever heard; 'the moon has awoken, with the sleep of the sun. The light has been broken, the spell has begun.' With that I quickly reach the house and enter through the door.

My wings vanish back into my back the moment my feet hit the ground, with them tucked safely back in there I quickly run up the stairs to the twins rooms; I head into Ty's first. He's inside currently putting on some mismatched socks; he looks up at me while he pulls the blue sock up to his ankle. I need to know if he heard what I heard then I'll go check with Cy to see if she also heard it; I couldn't possibly be running mad right?

"Hey Ty, heard anything weird lately?" subtle much?

"Except you coming in," he scratches his chin like he's thinking really hard "no."

"Ok, get ready for bed," That was probably a dumb thing to say considering he already was getting ready "or just continue with (motioning to him picking up his book to read) this."

"Will do," he gives me a thumbs then climbs into his bed "bye."

Now onwards to Cy's room, it is right next to Ty's room so I don't have to walk far; I knock on her door and wait, I can hear her humming inside there. Probably listening to her music on her iPod, this means if she's started humming she's already on around her fifth song, each song approximately 4 minutes so it's been 20 minutes that means she probably didn't hear that weird voice.

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