"Jay stop that; it's creepy. Just answer the question," I can see Ty visibly shivering from my grin "ugh!" I just laugh at him and get into the driver's seat, he heads to the back with Cy (very unlike him cause he liked the front). Well now there's space for my books and bag.

"Yes, we'll go for a run tonight," they start cheering fist bumping each other and talking excitedly about the route we'd take "but we'll have to be back before 12.30am." I look up into the rearview mirror to see them nodding their heads along with what I said.

It's now 10pm, we had our dinner hours ago (at like 7-ish) and we were getting ready for our run. Our woods were practically safe, excepting the creepy crawlies. I head upstairs to turn on the heater for my bathroom. (I really want to take a long bath when I get back, preferably in steaming hot h2o). I wear my hooded vest and black skinnies; I know it's safe but still safer to wear some dark clothes at night. I head out of my room and head downstairs to wait.

"How long are you going to make us wait for?" Great they were actually here before me; Cy just gave me a disappointed look as she stood there with her arms folded.

"Yeah Jay, we need to go," Ty drags the o in go "I'm so excited!" he actually squealed slightly. It seems we had secretly all agreed to wear dark cloths, not to mention we had apparently secretly agreed that we should all wear dark hooded vests and black skinnies. What is happening? Oh well I can now say something I'll probably get beaten for;

"Guys, you're..." I paused and slowly edged towards the sliding glass backdoor "...twining!" I then open the door rapidly and run out. I can hear them running after me roaring as they did, I just laugh and continue running. I know I'm rather fast on my feet and have quite the stamina as well as energy reserve; but they had turned into their wolves and I could hear them panting after me. I'm in trouble now, I hear their pawsteps growing closer and panting heavier; they've almost caught up to me.

"Gotcha!" They both yell victoriously in our mind link. I just laugh hysterically as I wave at them.

"No you don't!" I think back at them as I soar above the trees, I've wanted to stretch my wings for so long. Although they always seem to tear some holes in my cloths; this time I was prepared with an already holed cloth on me. It feels amazing, the wind moving through my feathers, now that I think about it; it's a good thing these don't need washing like my wolf. My wolf started whining like the baby it was, it also wants to be free to run.

"You cheater! I didn't think you'd actually fly today." Ty was growling in my mind.

"Yeah come down for the beating you deserve," Cy also thought in my mind "we'd agreed no twin puns!"

"You guys need to stop yelling in my mind, it seriously hurts" I think this to them but I was actually laughing instead. I head down lower to the ground, I try to locate the twins; there they are. By increasing my speed a bit I'm in front of them, I land and transform; It's honestly not that hard to do anymore. This still reminds me of the first time I tried to transform from my Angel form to my wolf; I became a wolf but had wings, then only my lower body was wolf with wings, then my upper body was wolf while I had a human body.

"That really took you sometime to master," I hear Ty snickering in my mind as he saw my memories.

"Shut up, what do you know?" I turn and paw his face; we've reached the clearing where we usually have picnics.

"More than you since we saw it," Cy is backing up Ty in more than one way as she leaps onto me. We continue to play fight for some time, attempt to climb some trees (which fails by the way); I do some more quick transformations between my angel, wolf and human forms. The twins observe and clap in their minds, and then they ask me to do some cool tricks with my wings. I just remember over the break at Nona's house I practiced a bit, and then she showed me something new about my wings. So I make the twins change and sit in the middle of the clearing, I stand in the middle with them at my feet.

"Prepare to be amazed," I imagine the same way I did at Nona's house; I see my wings in my mind, I visualize them becoming sharp, like large pieces of finely cut diamonds slices. When I had imagined this they had also changed colors into a bright red, Nona called it bloodstained glass; so that's what I named this mode but in a different way (bloody glass). I hear the twins gasp in amazement, this is when I decide to open my eyes; there they were each a red gem emitting a red glow from the moonlight.

"Beautiful," I can hear Ty breathe out as he looked up to my wings "just beautiful Jay."

"That's not all, duck" I tell them and they lower their heads slightly; I expand my wings in a stance like I'm about to fly, then I breath and shoot out my glass shards. They move out in a circle as I spun then stopped.

"But deadly." Cy and Ty decide to look up now that I stopped rotating, I just smiled at them as they understood my statement. Tentatively they get up and crawl towards the trees, they then examine the sharp shard which is my feather sticking halfway into the tree.

"Can we touch it?" Cy asks already reaching out a finger to feel the flat top.

"Yes you can touch it," I nod at them while I walk to collect my feathers from the other tree trunks "but be careful."

"Wow," Ty turns to look at me with a look of pure curiosity in his eyes "Jay when could you do this?"

I think back to the outburst I had at Nona's place, well clearly I had not expected to break all the glass in the meditation room, everything was just rushing to my head at the time and I couldn't process everything; that's the exact moment I couldn't control my emotions and my wings just burst from my back. I didn't even know what they had become until I felt my feathers come out; the next thing I heard was all the glass windows shatter around me. When I opened my eyes there was clear glass everywhere except a few pieces of red glass laying around, Nona had walked in and rushed to me thinking the glass got into my back and was making it bleed.

"Over summer break." I replied while shrugging my shoulders. It's a time I discovered a lot of things about my wings and myself.

"Can you fly with them? What happens to these ones (pointing at my shard still stuck in the tree) when those (pointing at my wings) turn back to normal? Are there any other colors? Can you kill someone with those? IF you leave them in (pointing at my shard still stuck in the tree again) do those ones (pointing at my wings again) grow new feathers in the same manner as they are or grow normal feathers? Can you touch them? Do they hurt your back? Do they hurt when you move?" Cy was having a sensory overload, her mind was frying up and I could see the figurative smoke coming out from her ears at all the thinking she was doing.

"Cy! Cy! Get a hold of yourself." Ty was shaking her shoulders to try and snap her out of her question trance.

"Yes, they also turn into normal feathers, maybe, probably, they'll grow back depending on whether I've turned them back to normal or their still in their bloody glass state, yes I can, no they don't, not that I've felt yet."

"And you, I can't believe you answered all that." Ty was now scratching his head after he calmed down Cy.

"Bloody glass; is that what you call them in this state?" Cy must have caught everything I said and was now satisfied. I just nod this time tired of answering her questions.

"Maybe?" Ty raises his eyebrow at my responses; he must have just now processed all this information.

"Yeah, close your eyes and hold my hands" I reach out for their forearms. I've already slotted back all the feathers in their places and turned them back to their normal state.

"Why?" they both suspiciously ask me, although they trust me enough to hold on to each of my arms.

"We're going to fly."

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