The First! Who is That Man?

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The cold air  blows through the streets of Vale, catching those who didn't bring sufficient clothing in it's chilly movement. However, that was common for the folk who go out late at night.

However, the night also brings unsavory people in, those who specialize in the underground market.

Street lights shine down on those not in those business, who wandered about.

However, in an alley, we see one of those unsavory people.

He had slanted, dark-green eyes and bright, long, orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. Black eyeliner traced his visible left eye.

He wore a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. His accessories included a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band.

Behind him were some men in black business suits, blacked out sunglasses, fedoras, red ties, and red bladed machetes.

As they walked passed the trash, grime, and other filthy items in the alley, the orange-haired man spotted a lump near one of the rusty stairs.

It was a homeless person, huddling up while eating out of a can of (cold) beans. However, when the man looked up to see the people near him, he backed up, looking as if he saw a monster.

The man with orange hair scoffed, but went on his way. However, when he looked back, the homeless person was now gone, no trace of his presence there besides a dropped can and the makeshift blanket.

The only other thing, though, was a small, unnoticeable piece of web.


On the roofs…

The homeless person was struggling, moving around in a desperate attempt to break the sticky webbing keeping him there.

It had long, spindly, hairy arms coming from the back, legs that were so puny and shriveled up that they seemed useless, a giant spider's abdomen on it's back, actual arms that were large and clawed, and a face that looked as if a human and a spider combined and mutated.

Webbing from the abdomen flowed out, the white goo dripping down and hardening on the roof.

As he screamed, the creature laughed, "Bigen, bosesa bo bogobu pa bodezu do busaga zujogozegu! Gabada pa gosesa go juzusu bodo ga zebinagizegogo!"

The gibberish it sprouted almost seemed comprehensive, if not for that fact it was an entirely different… thing.

As it moved closer, it raised it's clawed arm up, readying to strike the man. As it was close enough, the creature brought down it's arm, expecting the man to die from the strike.

However, the satisfaction never came, as instead of a crunch! it instead got a fist into it's face, causing it to yell out in pain.

It staggered back, shaking it's head. The homeless person looked up at his savior, and needles to say, he almost got terrified by it too, as it turned to him.

It had a black undersuit, with arms having golden gauntlets, the chest armor was good and silver, with a design on the front resembling a muscled body, while on the shoulders having armour too. The strangest part was the belt around it's waist, with it being silver, and the front having a golden spiral design while circular glasses windows were beside it.

The legs simply had gold and silver designs on the lower legs.

However, the helmet was the most noticable. It had gigantic red eyes, a golden horn on the forehead, and an insectoid design.

As the armored man breathed out, the creature stood up, screeching at him in (presumed) anger.

With that, the spider-like monster leapt at the person, it's arms, clawed at the end, positioned at his chest. However, he simply rolled to the side, delivering a roundhouse kick at it's face in return. As it staggered back, the man ran forward and punched it in the human-shaped abdomen, causing a sickly crunch as the though skin was cracked, revealing the soft underside.

The creature tried to hit him again, but he instead kneed it at the wound, causing blood to flow out, dripping to it's feet. As it howled in pain, the armored man brought it down, breaking the arms on it's back, the crunch along with a scream showing the pain it felt. As it tried to stand, the man dropkicked it, breaking more of it's back, eventually showing the underside there too.

As the creature let out sickly breathes, the man lowered his stance, his voice becoming that of a gravelly, droned out creature. Suddenly, four spikes came up around his two top ones, while at the same time, a glowing came from under him, covering his feet too.

Suddenly, he jumped  forward, bringing out his leg to kick the creature. However, he actually seemed to accelerate, suddenly kicking the creature. As he flipped back, he turned back to the homeless person, when both his red bug eyes glowed, while behind him, the creature exploded, the abdomen, or half of it, being the only piece left of it.

As the man breathed out, the homeless person was stuck in place, unable to say any words.

"Well," the man turned away, "I hope you do well."

"Wait!" The homeless person yelled. The man stopped,his back turning to him, "Who… who are you?"


With that, the man ran to the edge of the building, jumping to the next one nearby. Then the next one.

As he leapt away, the homeless person just looked down, the webbing trapping him was now disintegrating, along with some on the abdomen.

"Agito…? Who are you?"


Ruby couldn't believe it. She was going to Beacon! Oh, how would her sister react? How would her dad react?! How would Zwei react?!

She just sighed in excitement…

As she looked around, she thought back at the events that allowed her to go to Beacon.

First, there was that robbery by that weird eyeliner guy, then the fight on the rooftops. She wished she helped out more, but even then, she met a real Huntress!

Though she didn't get off lightly. Apparently, she wasn't supposed to help out even if someone was robbing!

It was even that weirdo's fault…

Bah, it didn't even matter! She was going to Beacon! At 15 years old, no less!

"Ah… I feel so light headed…" Ruby was busy walking to where Yang was, but that seemed difficult. For one, she was like, 5 blocks away. Two, again, the light-headed feeling. And three, the cold air around her was annoying. Okay, it was uncomfortable. Very.

"Brr… man, what's up with the night?" Ruby looked up at the street, seeing where she was. Sighing, she realized that she still had 2-3 blocks left.

As she continued on, she didn't hear a motor coming up, until…


As Ruby turned around, a man on a motorcycle, swerved around, managing to miss her, while continuing on his way, yelling back, "WATCH THE ROAD, YA DAMN KID!"


Ruby just buried her face into her hands, the anger, shock, fear, and embarrassment coming to her at once.

She just sighed and went on her way.


(If you're wondering, this will be updated sporadically. Hoped you enjoyed reading.)

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