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'Conduct yourselves wisely towards outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone'
Colossians 4:5-6

What does salt do to food? It makes the food tasty and eatable. If there is no salt, the food is bland and tastless and nobody likes to eat it or recieve it. So when there is salt, people like it, they eat it and recieve it.
We should conduct our speech wisely so that it becomes productive. Our speeches or conversations should be gracious and people need to like what they hear, but that doesn't mean for us to bend to their ways in order to please them. No, we need to say it with grace and kindness that makes them feel like what we're saying is right. Never go to  the limits of arguing with one another. Just make sure that you have got your point across to that person, because even though they may not agree with you then and there, they will think about it later. That's why we should only correct others when we see them doing wrong, not convince them.
May God bless you.

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