the eyes of harry potter - chapter six

Start from the beginning

their first class was potions. draco walked there, he checked the time, then noticed it was about to start. 

'shit!' he thought, starting to run. he skidded into the classroom, greeted by professor slughorn.

"draco, m'boy! come, take a seat, we're about to start." he said warmly, he walked over to a desk where pansy, hermione, ron, blaise and harry were sitting, the only open spot was right next to harry.

of course 

he sat down and started listening to slughorn. 

"so today, we'll be making veritaserum. as you all know, this causes you to tell-"

"the truth." pansy and hermione said at the same time. they blushed and looked down.

"yes, indeed miss granger and miss parkinson." he smiled. "i would like you to look beside you."

draco and harry made eye-contact at the exact time, the gryfindoors eyes had beautiful patterns in them, every small pattern looked 3D almost, as if they were layered; they were a beautiful emerald green, the way the light reflected on them made very little detail stand out in them.he had long eyelashes that made him look extremely cute. within the emerald, there was little dots of bluish-green, which, draco thought made him look even more gorgeous. 

"done staring mafloy?" he smirked. 

"i could say the same to you, potter." harry looked down in defeat, draco could see a blush form on his neck.

"these are your partners, you will be making it with them, ok. begin!" he said happily. he heard a slight groan come from weasley.

"ok." harry said simply, batting his eyelashes.

"i'll get the ingredients, you set up?" harry said, his voice lower than usual.

"sure.." draco said, suspicious of why potter was acting so normal around him.

the class went by easily, he and harry didnt agrue to much, but more talked like they were friends, draco sneaking glances at the other boy occasionally. he took a vial and put a good amount in it. he smiled proudly and held it in the sunlight.

"we made that malfoy, dont forget." harry laughed.

"yes, potter, why must you make everything about you?" he laughed, making the other boy snatch the vial from his hand.

"oi" he said annoyed.


the day went by quickly, he kept looking at harry alot, every time he just seemed to get more beautiful in the slightest ways. he noticed that harry had freckles


this was the most amazing thing he had found all day, he found himself staring at the boy alot. he admired them, they were overwhelmingly cute.

'i give up. fuck all of it I LIKE HIM I CANT DENY IT.' he thought to himself, 

he sighed and then ran his hand through his hair, it was getting long, which in dracos perspective, wasnt a good look; it reminded him too much about his father. he decided he needed a new hair cut. he walked to the common room and walked up to pansy.

"oi, parkinson!" he yelled, her head snapped towards him

"mhm?" she hummed, biting her nails

"can you give me a haircut?" he said, she nodded and patted the floor.

"ledia groha" she mutters

dracos hair is floating in the air, strands of the platinum blonde flying everywhere, finally at last, it settles.

his hair was now slightly wavy, and at normal length, he wondered his potter would like it.

"thank you." he said, half- smiling.

"not a problem, also, potter will love it!" she squealed. he rolled his eyes at her before walking out of the common room, thinking about how mesmerising the eyes of potter were


hello my children, yes it has been a while, my laptop broke so i couldnt post for a while. i you guys liked this chapter, any suggestions would be great!

love you lads

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