School, The Most Hellish Place

Start from the beginning

Then the job should be easier!

As soon as I felt a tinge of electricity, I immediately activated my magic and zapped across the crowd, my mother in hand with me.

In a few seconds, we had already reached the hall, just standing in front of it with a dazed mother and a stunned vixen.

There were small groups of people already present here, but I could tell from the fading lines from their bodies that they had the same idea as me.

"R-Riku dear...please warn me about t-these kinds of t-things next time." My mother could barely string her words together as we stepped into the hall.

"Remind me as well..."

Because of my brilliance and excellence as a son and being an impatient student, we managed to snag front row seats in the hall, before the other families began strolling in.

The other people whom I saw standing in front of the hall also took front row seats, but left two in the middle. They must be reserved for some important people. I was sitting a seat away, my mother being the one to sit right beside the two seats.

There was still spare time before the Principal gave his announcement so I just slumped in my seat.


"Hey." Someone called, but I ignored. It must be those people from behind.

"Hey you. The one with a fox on his shoulder." I immediately got back to my seat and turned to whoever called me. Okay, that got my attention.

It was a girl who was sitting beside me. A blonde with her hair length being at her shoulders, wearing the same blazers as every other kid but had a long skirt to go with it.

"Were you talking to me?" I pointed to myself as I asked.

"Of course! Do you see any other kid with a fox on their shoulder? Much less a blue one?"

Yeah, she's right. I didn't see anyone bring any animals with them to school. Maybe it's actually prohibited. God, what are we going to do when a teacher sees Aoi and confiscates her?

"I'll bite his hand and run home! You don't have to worry." Aoi reassured, proud and strong. Though, I don't see why you'd need to bite his hand. They'll just place the animals outside school.

"No, I don't see it wrong to bring animals to school?"
"Not that I know of! But, I hope it isn't. You have quite the cute vixen there! What are your names?" She asked excitedly, the energy almost overflowing in her.

"The name's Riku, and this is my vixen, Aoi." I introduced, giving a smile to her. This was the first time I made a female friend, apart from Aoi of course. Not that I had much friends to begin with.

Just one or two people I sit with in the cafeteria.

"Riku and Aoi, huh? My name's Sherlyn, but Sherri is much cuter!" I swear her energy will rub off of me if I hang around with her.

"Sherlyn, keep it down! You are being a nuisance to other people." The woman, presumably her mother, scolded her terribly. Sherlyn shuddered slightly before turning back, but not before she mouthed the word 'Sorry'.

"What's the mother's problem?"

Beats me.

The woman in question dressed quite elegantly, compared to what townspeople usually wear. She wore a gown-like dress with a colour palette of dark green and black and had a bun hairstyle.

Reminds me of a really really old lady.

A tapping sound circled around the hall, silencing the hall of families. Following that tapping sound, a man came on the stage with a microphone in hand.

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