Hunger Games AU - MJ

Start from the beginning


It became a regular thing, a beach near Victor's Village, you would sit together watch the sea create waves. Hearing the seagulls sing a song. A few mockingjays flying by and copying the melody. The cold wet sand underneath you.

You saw him, sitting down, his knees against his chest and his head on top of them. You walked towards him, sitting next to him keeping a distance from him. After another sleepless night, this relaxed you.

Nothing was said, the sound of the waves crashing down calmed you, the presence of each other you both liked it.

On a daily basis, you would see him sitting or laying on the sand and you would join him. He wasn't the MJ you knew from the capitol, he was different and you liked it.

You always saw him as a charming cocky guy with a beautiful smile. But no, he was just a a guy who liked singing and making jokes. His giggle making you fall hard for him. And you panicked, you were staring to like him.

But you ignored your feelings and enjoyed the presences of MJ. Yes you were scared, but ever since you've been with him, your nightmares were gone.


You both weren't in the district for most of the time, always in the capitol. Going to the interview of Ceaser and the dirty work of President Snow.

Along with many tributes, their bodies were being sold to the people of the capitol. If you were desirable, President Snow would force to do this. If not, he kills someone you love.

And it angered you, but you couldn't do anything about it.

The day you went back home, MJ was still in the capitol. He doesn't know about what's going on with President Snow. And you decided that's best if he didn't find out.

But he did, the day he came back he went straight to you. Grabbing you by your shoulders yelling, asking why you didnt you tell him.

Why didn't you tell me?! How long Y/n?!

For a few months.

He looked at you in disbelief, he was angry at himself for not protecting you. Tears fell down your face as you sobbed. You placed your head on his chest,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. MJ placed his chin on your head, shaking slightly as he too was falling in love with you.


As the years passed by, three to be exact, you became a mentor. MJ helped you alot and has been with each and every step.

It was nice having him next to you and how every day you fall in love with each other even more but to scared to say anything.

You always wonder who would crack first into confessing first. And you guessed right, it was MJ.

On the 73rd year, you had to go to the Capitol for the games (That year you had to go without MJ) Only to return to the District empty handed as your tributes fought hard but died at the Cornicopia.

Stepping off the train, he engulfed you in a hug and a passionate kiss. He confessed falling in love with you when you began sitting with him at the beach and realizing his feelings when you left.

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